Chapter 3: Nutrition in plants ( 3.2-3.3) Flashcards
What are the functions of the root?
- provide support and strength to anchor the plant
- absorb water and mineral salts
What protects the root from being damaged when it continues to grow into the ground?
- root cap
Each epidermal cell of root differentiates to form a tiny, tube-like projection called ________.
- root hair
Explain root collar.
- part of a root connected to the base of the plant stem
Explain endodermis.
- closely arranged and one cell thick
- most endodermal cells have suberin or lignin thickening
________ is involved in secondary growth and lateral roots formation.
- pericycle
Explain uptake of water by root hair cells.
- by osmosis
- soil water has a higher water potential
- diffuse into root hair cell
- diffuses through the cortex enters the xylem
Explain uptake of mineral salts by root hair cells.
- by active transport
- energy required
- against concentration gradient from a lower concentration of mineral ions
Relate root adaptations for water and mineral salts with root hairs.
- have a large number of root hair cells to provide a large surface area
- tiny to enable root hairs to penetrate between soil particles
Relate root adaptations for water and mineral salts with cortex cells and xylem tissue.
- cortex cells have thin cell walls which facilitate water movement in the roots
- cortex cells are loosely arranged to facilitate gaseous exchange
List other adaptations of root hair cells to absorb water from the soil.
- thin wall to speed up the intake of water by osmosis
- large vacuole to store water and increase water absorption
- vacuole has salts to speed up water absorption
- no cuticle as this would prevent water absorption
Based on the nutritional adaptation, plants can be classified into three main types______, ______ and ______.
- carnivorous plants
- parasitic plants
- epiphytic plants
Carnivorous plants are plants that ____________.
- trap and feed on insects and other animals to obtain nutrients
Which both plant types can carry out photosynthesis?
- carnivorous
- epiphytic
Can parasitic plants carry out photosynthesis?
- No except for some like mistletoe
Tell one main difference between parasitic plants and epiphytic plants.
- parasitic plants obtain their nutrients from other plants and cause harm to host plants
- epiphytic plants are green plants that grow on another plant for physical support
Give two examples of carnivorous plants, parasitic plants, and epiphytic plants.
- pitcher plant and venus flytrap ( carnivorous )
- Rafflesia and mistletoe ( parasitic )
- pigeon orchid and bird’s nest fern ( epiphytes )
Explain epiphytes.
- usually grow at a higher position to obtain maximum sunlight
- obtain water trapped in the crevices on the bark
- carry out photosynthesis
- host plants are neither harmed nor benefits
What is secreted in carnivorous plants?
Relate nitrogen to carnivorous plants.
- nectar
- trapped animals can supply nitrogen
- nitrogen is important for the growth
- because they live in soil which lacks nitrogen sources
What is haustorium in parasitic plants?
- a specialized root-liked organ that penetrates the host and fuses with vascular tissue to obtain water
Explain pitcher plants.
- uses pitfall traps
- has a hollow, lidded leaf filled with liquid to digest the prey