Chapter 3-Nature of Interpersonal Communication Flashcards
nonverbal communication
message about the message, using gestures, eye contact, body posture, tone, volume, and rapidity of speech
the interaction that occurs when the behavior or desires of one person interfere with the behavior or desires of another
sources of conflict
- behavior
- cognitions and perceptions (one may view as a problem the other views as a solution)
- value differences
- inconsistent rules
- leadership ambiguity
Competing style of conflict
both partners are assertive and uncooperative. winner and loser
collaborating style of conflict
both partners are assertive and cooperative
compromising style
both partners find a middle ground
avoiding style
partners avoid confrontation, partners may become resentful
parallel style
both partners deny, ignore, and retreat from addressing a problem issue. dont talk about it and it will go away
open ended question
question that encourages answers that contain a great deal of information
closed ended question
one that allows for a one worded answer and does not elicit much information
reflective listening
paraphrasing or restating what a person has said to indicate that the listener understands
I statements
focus on the feelings and thoughts of the communicator without making a judgment on others
you statements
statements that blame or criticize the listener and often result in increasing negative feelings and behavior in the relationship
going out on different limbs of an issue rather than staying focused on the issue
congruent message
one in which verbal and nonverbal behaviors match
the ability to impose ones will on ones partner and to avoid being influenced by the partner
symbolic interaction theory of communication
examine the process of communication between two actors in terms of the meanings each attaches to the actions of the other
Social exchange theory of communication
suggest that the partners communication can be described as a ratio of rewards to costs
seven steps for fair fighting
- address recurring, disturbing issues
- identify new desired behaviors
- identify perceptions to change
- summarize your partners perspective
- generate alternative win-win solutions
- forgive
- be alert to defense mechanisms
suggesting as many alternatives as possible without evaluating them
win-win relationship
a relationship in which conflict is resolved so that each partner derives benefits form the resolution
win-lose solution
solution in which one partner benefits at the expense of the other
lose-lose solution
a solution to a conflict in which neither partner benefits
defense mechanisms
unconscious techniques that function to protect individuals from anxiety and minimize emotional hurt
simultaneous denial of and withdrawal from a problem
the cognitive justification for ones own behavior that unconsciously conceals ones true motives
attributing one’s own feelings, attitudes, or desires to ones partner while avoiding recognition that these are ones own thoughts, feelings and desires
shifting one’s feelings, thoughts, or behaviors from the person who evokes them onto someone else