Chapter 3:Many Electron Atoms Flashcards
In the central field approximation how do the wavefunctions associated with each singleelectron orbital differ from those in a one-electron atom?
As in a one-electron atom, in the central field approximation the spatial part of the total wavefunction can be separated into radial and angular functions.However, in the central field approximation the radial functions, Fni,i (ri), differ from those in a one-electron atom because of the deviation of the potential from a pure Coulomb potential at short range, while the angular functions, Y
i,mi (θi , φi), are the same.
To what types of atoms, or electronic configurations, is the central field approximation best applied (give some examples)?
Atoms or electronic configurations with one isolated outer electron. Examples: the alkali metal (Group I) atoms which all have one electron in an outer ns orbital, the single charged alkaline earth (Group II) atomic ions which have similar electronic configurations, or any other atom with one electron in a highly excited orbital, e.g., the 1s 52d configuration in helium.
For a particular value of n how do the quantum defects of an alkali metal atom change with increasing values of l?
For a particular value of n as l increases the quantum defects reduce because the centrifugal barrier reduces the penetration of the outer electron into the region close to the non-hydrogenic ion core.
What is meant by the term effective principal quantum number?
(n − ∆nl), where n is the principal quantum number and ∆nl is the quantum defect, is often referred to as the effective principal quantum number.
State the Pauli principle as it applies to a quantum system containing many indistinguishable spin-1/2 particles.
Spin 1/2 particles are Fermions. The Pauli principle states that the total wavefunction for a system containing many indistinguishable Fermions must be antisymmetric with respect to exchange of any two of the particles.
Why in general can the Schr¨odinger equation for a many-electron atom not be separated into single-electron components?
The Coulomb interactions between all of the individual electrons in a many electron atom mean that the instantaneous energy of each individual electron is dependent on the instantaneous position of all of the other electrons. Because of this the Schr¨odinger equation for a many-electron atom cannot be separated into single electron components.
Hamiltonianfor multi electron atom
For N electron atom, Vrep has ___ terms
List all possible spin wavefunctions for a system containing two electrons, giving the total spin quantum number, the projection of the total spin onto the z-axis, the spin multiplicity, and the symmetry with respect to exchange of the two electrons for each.
The above two-electron spin wavefunctions can describe the electrons in the helium
atom. What other systems could these spin wavefunctions also be used to represent
(give one or two examples)?
The two electrons in the Li+ ion, or two protons in a single quantised motional
state of a magnetic trap.
An excited electronic conguration of the helium atom has the form 4s2. Give an ex-
pression for the total wavefunction of the helium atom in this electronic conguration.
What causes the energy dierence between the singlet and triplet spin states of the 1s 2s
electronic conguration in helium?
The exchange interaction.
In a many electron atom, what is the maximum number of electrons that can be con-
tained within an ng sub-shell?
An ng orbital has l = 4. Maximum number of electrons is 2(2l + 1) = 18.
What do the quantum numbers L and S represent?
L is the total electron orbital angular momentum quantum number and S is
the total electron spin quantum number.
What are the electron spin multiplicities of the following terms:
1S, 2F, and 5P
In electronic congurations with equivalent electrons how does the Pauli principle aect
the combinations of S and L of the allowed terms?
The Pauli principle requires that the total wavefunction of a system containing
many indistinguishable Fermions (electrons) must be antisymmetric with respect to the
exchange of any two of the particles. For electronic congurations with equivalent
electrons the only allowed combinations of L and S are therefore ones for which the
symmetry of the total spin wavefunction is opposite to that of the spatial wavefunction.
If the total spin wavefunction is symmetric, i.e., S = 1, the spatial wavefunction must
be antisymmetric, i.e., L = 1; 3; 5; : : : If the total spin wavefunction is antisymmetric,
i.e., S = 0, the spatial wavefunction must be symmetric, i.e., L = 0; 2; 4; : : :.
What is the origin of the spin-orbit interaction in atoms?
The spin-orbit interaction is the interaction of the magnetic dipole moment
(magnetic eld) associated with the electron spin in an atom with the magnetic dipole
moment associated with the electron orbital angular momentum.
How does the spin-orbit interaction a ect the 1 2S term in the H atom?
How does the spin-orbit interaction a ect the 5 2D term in the H atom?
In the 1 2S term in the H atom, S = 1=2 and L = 0. The spin magnetic
moment is therefore non-zero but the because the orbital angular momentum quantum
number is zero the orbital magnetic moment is zero and there is no spin-orbit splitting.
In the 5 2D term in the H atom, S = 1=2 and L = 2. The spin magnetic moment and
the orbital magnetic moment are therefore both non-zero and the resulting spin-orbit
interaction will split this term into levels with total angular momentum J = 3=2 and
J = 5=2 which will be separated in energy by the spin-orbit splitting.