Chapter 2: One Electron Atoms Flashcards
What is a one electron atom?
- Atom or ion with one electron bound to the nucleus or ion core with charge +Zcoree
- where e is the charge of an electron.
The two particles in these systems interact with via the Coulomb interaction, for which the potential energy is:
V(r)= -Zcoree2/4π€0r
where €0 is the permittivity of free space and r is the inter-particle seperation.
If the ion core is considered to be infintely heavy, the Hamiltonian governing the motion of the electron is:
H^=-(hbar2/2me)►2-(Zcoree2/4Pi €0r)
where hbar=h/2pi, h=Planck’s constant, and me is the mass of an electron.
The energy eigenvalues associated with the Hamiltonian system can be obtained using__. Which is:
- Schrodingers equation
- Hhat psi=E psi
- where psi is the wavefronts of the electronic states
Solving Schrodingers equation leads to a set of energy eigenvalues of the form:
where n=1,2,3… is the principal quantum number
Why is there a discrepency between the calculated value of En and the experimentally calculated value of En
We assume that the ion core (proton) can be treated as infinitely heavy
Photoemission eq:
Photoabsorption eq:
The Rydberg constant obtained for an electron bound to an infinitely heavy ion core is
R=meZcore2e4/64Pi3 €02 hbar3 c
When the Zcore=H, the value of the Rydberg constant is:
Rinf=mee4/64Pi3€03 hbar3 c
How do we correct the differences for Rydberg constant
To do this we consider the reduced mass um of the two body system. This is the effective mass of the system in the frame of reference associated with the centre of mass.
Equation for reduced mass:
General Equation for the Rydberg constant (with reduced mass):
Rm=Rinf (um/me ) Zcore2
atomic unit of mass:
atomic unit of charge:
atomic unit of length:
atomic unit of energy:
me mass of electron
e charge of electron
a0 Bohr radius
Spherical Polar coordinates x,y,z :