Chapter 3: Life cycle assessment Flashcards
What is a life cycle assessment?
-An analysis tool for assessing the environmental impacts associated with a product or service system.
What is a central characteristic of an LCA?
The holistic focus on products or processes and
their functions, considering upstream and
downstream activities.
In the cradle-to-grave journey, what are the common life cycle stages from beginning to end?
Raw material acquisition -> Material purification -> Product manufacture -> Product use -> Product disposal
What are the main parts/elements of the ISO14000 LCA standards?
- Goal and scope definition
2.Life Cycle Inventory analysis, LCI
- Life Cycle Impact Assessment, LCIA
- Interpretation
Explain the goal and scope definition of LCA standards
Define the goal and use of LCA, and scopes the assessment
concerning system boundaries, function and flow, required data quality,
technology and assessment parameters.
Explain the life cycle inventory analysis, LCI for ISO14000 LCA standards
Collect data on inputs (resources and intermediate products) and outputs
(emissions, wastes) for all the processes in the product system.
Explain the life cycle impact assessment for ISO14000 LCA standards
Translates inventory data on inputs and outputs into indicators
about the product system’s potential impacts on the environment,
on human health, and natural resource availability.
Explain the intepretation part of ISO14000 LCA standards? Do all LCAs include this step?
The LCI and LCIA results are interpreted according to the
study’s goal.
Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis
are performed to qualify the results and conclusions.
Not all LCA’s include this step.
What is the system function in an LCA?
The economic or social good provided by
the goods or services in question.
What is the functional unit in LCAs used for?
Used to connect social benefits (goods and
services) to environmental impacts
What is the function of impact categories? What do they determine?
Which environmental concerns are included and
which are excluded.
What does the system boundary include and exclude in the LCA standard?
which processes or life cycle stages are
included and which ones are excluded
What types of analyses can be involved in the system boundary:
- Cradle-to-gate analysis
– Gate to gate analysis
– Gate to grave analysis
What is the audience in an LCA?
Whether it will be a public and peer reviewed
What considerations are made for the audience for an LCA?
-Accuracy of data
-Uncertainty of the results
What is a life-cycle audit conducted at?
A life-cycle audit is conducted at each stage of the product
or each unit within the defined boundaries to obtain a lifecycle inventory of materials, wastes, emissions, energy and water consumption, and product costs.
What is a foreground system in LCA?
A set of processes whose selection or mode of operation is affected directly by
decisions based on the study
What is a background system in LCA?
All other processes which interact directly with the foreground system, usually by
supplying material or energy to the foreground or receiving material energy from it.
How can materials use be quantified?
By direct measurement or mass
balance analysis.
What are inherited emissions in a process?
Inherited emissions originate directly from the process itself.