Chapter 3/ lab 2 Flashcards
Chapter 3 lecture
what does the cell theory say?
all organsim are composed of cells and cell products
simplest structure and functional unit of life
all orgasim activity are due cells
come from pre existing matter
all species have funfamental similarities in chemical composition and metabolic mechanism
chapter 3 lecture
cell facts
human cell size are 10-15 micrometers
egg cell very large 100 micrometer
nerve cell 1 meter long. longest human cell
cell growth increases volume more than surface area
can rupter if too big
chapter 3 lecture
what is cytoplasm
fluid b/w the nucleus and surface membrane
chapter 3 lecture
what is resolution
ability to reveal detail of electron microscopes reveals ultrastructure
reveals ultrastructure etc. organelles, cytoskeleton and cytosol
chapter 3
what is resoluton?
it allows us to reveal finer details in a microscope
chapter 3 lecture
what is the cell membrane?
it is made of protiens and lipids and it surrounds the cells.
composition can vary from one region of the cell to another
chapter 3 lecture
what does cytoplasm constitute
has organelles, cytoskeleton, cytosol (intracellular fluid- icf)
chapter 3 lecture
what is extracellular fluid?
it is fluid outside of the cell
chapter 3 lecture
what is the unit membrane?
forms border of cell and many of its organelles
appears as a pair of dark parallel lines around cell
chapter 3 lecture
describe the plasma membrane
defines the cell bounderies, goversn interaction with cells, controls passage of materials in and out of cell
has an intracellular face that faces cyoplasm
has extracellular face that faces outward
has an oily film of lipids with diverse proteins embedded
chapter 3 lecture
what are membrane receptors
it allows for cell communication via chemical signals
these protiens are located on plasma membrane
binds to hormone, neurotrsnsmitter chemicals
chapter 3 lecture
what are membrane enzymes
in plasma membrane, they carry out final stages of starch and protein digestion in small intestine
helps produce second messengers (cAMP)
break down chemical messengers and hormones whose have finished their jobs
stops excessive stimulation
chapter 3 lecture
what are ion channels
they are transmembrane proteins with pores
allows h2o and dissolved ions to pass through membrane
some open, some are gate channels that open and close though stimuli
plays important in timing of nerve signals and muscle contraction
chapter 3 lecture
what are some gated channels?
ligand-chemically regulated gates)
volatage regulated gates
mechanically regulated gates (stretch and pressure)
chapter 3 lecture
what do transmembrane carriers do
they bind to glucose, electrolytes and other solutes and transfers them across the membrane and uses ATP
also know as pumps