Chapter 3 Key terms Flashcards
Definition: an unincorporated business owned by a single person who is responsible for its liabilities and entitled to its profits
Significance: The new settlements in the restoration colonies were proprietorships. This allowed the Carolina & Jerseys grantees, Duke of York, & William Grant to own all the land in their colonies & could rule as they wished.
Definition: a member of the Religious Society of Friends.
Significance: William Penn joined the Quakers & made Pennsylvania a refuge for them. The Quakers were persecuted in England because they refused to serve in the military & pay taxes to support the church. The Quakers wanted to restore Christianity to its early simple religion.
Navigation Acts
Definition: A series of laws that restricted the use of foreign ships for trade between Britain and its colonies. They began in 1651 and ended 200 years later.
Believed that England had control over everything to get economic benefit. Allowed the English to control trade. Only trade through England or to England.
Glorious Revolution
Definition: The last genuine revolution in Britain. Because there was little armed resistance in England to William and Mary, the revolution is also called the Bloodless Revolution.
Significance: Sparked rebellion in Massachusetts, New York, & Maryland. They seized governor Andros and shipped him back to England. Broke up the Dominion of New England. Because of the revolution a new era in the politics of both england and its american colonies.
Dominion of New England
Definition: An administrative union of English colonies in the New England region of North America. A vast royal colony.
King James II wanted stricter control over his colonies because he looked up to Louis XIV. Combined Massachusetts bay & Plymouth to from a royal colony & he put Edmund Andros was in charge. The dominion brought the authoritarian model to the Americas.
Definition: The adaptation of stateless peoples to the demands imposed on them by neighboring states.
Significance: Occurred in North America where Eurasian Diseases killed off a lot of native communities.
Covenant Chain
Definition: an alliance between the Iroquois Confederacy & the colony of New York.
Significance: Established Iroquois control over all other tribes & thus put New York in an economically and politically dominant position among the other colonies
The Stono Rebellion
Definition: A slave rebellion that commenced on 9 September 1739, in the colony of South Carolina.
Significance: Slaves armed themselves and started marching from Stono, South Carolina to freedom in Florida. They were ambushed by the British Militia. Because of this rebellion, South Carolinians cut slave imports and tightened plantation discipline.
South Atlantic System
Definition: Sugar, transported from sugar plantations in brazil and the west indies
Significance: mostly sugar transported through the world. Tobacco and other crops transported as well. Plantations around the world that planted the crops brought over from the south Atlantic system
Definition: Social superiority as demonstrated by genteel manners, behavior, or appearances.
Significance: Planters began to model themselves on the english aristocracy by learning from advice books how to act like gentlemen. They replaced their modest wooden houses with mansions of brick and mortar. Planters educated their sons in London as lawyers and gentlemen.
Salutary Neglect
Definition: An unofficial and long-lasting 17th- & 18th-century British policy of avoiding strict enforcement of parliamentary laws, meant to keep the American colonies obedient to England.
Significance: Rise of american self-government as royal bureau- crats, pleased by growing trade and import duties, relaxed their supervision of internal colonial affairs.
William Penn
Definition: An English real estate entrepreneur, philosopher, early Quaker and founder of the Province of Pennsylvania
Significance: Joined the Quakers & designed Pennsylvania as a refuge for them. He owned substantial estates in Ireland and england and lived lavishly. Penn wanted colonist to live alongside the Indians and he created a colony for both.
John Locke
Definition: An English philosopher and physician regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers and known as the “Father of Classical Liberalism”.
Significance: The French Enlightenment drew heavily on his ideas, as did the Founding Fathers of the American Revolution.
Edmund Andros
Definition: An English colonial administrator in North America. He was the governor of the Dominion of New England during most of its three-year existence
Significance: In Massachusetts, Andros banned town meetings, angering villagers who prized local self-rule, and advocated public worship in the Church of England, offending Puritan Congregationalists. He invalidated all land titles granted under the original Massachusetts Bay charter.
Middle passage
Definition: The sea journey undertaken by slave ships from West Africa to the West Indies.
Significance: The Atlantic Slave System moved its slaves through the middle passage to the new world in overly crowded ships.
Treaty of Aix-La-Chapelle
Definition: Ended the war of Devolution between France and Spain. It was signed on 2 May 1668 in Aachen
Significance: It restored the possessions of both warring countries and served as a truce, but it failed to resolve disputes over dominance of North America.