Chapter 3 (Impact of ICT on Society) Flashcards
What are the 3 main online services people can use?
- People can pay online for services provided by particular organisations.
- People can do their shopping online
- Bank customers can use online banking
What are the security issues with online services?
- Hackers
2. identity fraud.
what is Encryption?
This is a process by which ordinary data is converted into a secret code. This is done so that anyone unauthorized to see the data doesn’t.
What are the two types of encryption keys?
Public encryption key
Private encryption key
How do you know if data is being transmitted in a secure way?
- The ‘https’ prefix in the URL compared to the normal ‘http’
- The secure socket layer (SSL)- the pad-lock sign at the bottom of the screen.
what are the other methods of securing data?
1- Use Transaction numbers (TANs): these are passwords that can only be used once. This could be sent to you via a text message from the bank. They are only valid for a few minutes thus reducing the time for a hacker to intercept and use it.
2- Ask the user to type in only part of the password. Every time the user logs in they are asked for the part of the password in a different combination (i.e. 2nd character, 3rd character, and 6th character)
3- Providing the customer with a handheld chip and PIN device. This device generates single-use passwords.
what is Duty of Confidence?
- They must not tell anyone or use the information for any reason except with the permission of the person who it told them.
- Confidential data includes business secrets or personal information.
- This could be between an employee and employer.
- The employee is asked to sign a confidentiality agreement.
What is Duty of Fidelity
- This is when an employee must remain loyal to their employer.
- They must not tell any of the rival companies about their work.
- However, once an employee leaves a company they have the free liberty of using their skills and knowledge that they acquired from the company.
what is Anonymised Information?
This is when information about an individual is passed on without the mention of their name.
Companies should always omit any personal details wherever possible.
what is Responsibility for passing on information?
When a company passes on information about any individual they must ensure that the least amount of information that could identify the individual is used.
Things like online banking or online shopping require you to give them your personal information. It MUST be ensured that information is not passed from organisation to organisation without authorisation from the individual.
What is Phishing?
This is when a fraudulent email is sent to a person. It will seem as if the email is sent by the bank however in reality it isn’t.
The email will request the person to give their password, card or account number and other security details.
what is Pharming?
This is when a fraudster REDIRECTS a genuine websites traffic to their own website.
The customer thinks that they are dealing with their bank site but they are actually sending details to the fraudsters website.
what is Spyware?
This is a software that customers unknowingly download.
It usually is attached to a software which the computer user downloads.
The fraudster has attached spyware to gather personal details of the user.
They do this by using a key logging software when the user logs on to their bank account of online shopping.
what is Online Auction or Shopping Fraud?
This is when somebody sets up a genuine site and puts up expensive items for sale and then they don’t deliver it or they send a cheap imitation.
They take the money but never deliver the goods.
Why do companies sell their goods online?
Why do companies sell their goods online? Can save a lot of money Don’t need to pay shop assistants Don’t need to pay building rents Don’t need to answer a lot of customer questions. Can compete with larger businesses Can reach out to a much wider audience Can be open 24/7
Benefits to selling goods online.
The company can increase their sales.
Costs associated with processing orders is also reduced
Companies can receive payments quicker
Company can keep track of purchases; determining which product is most or least popular.
What are the features of online banking?
Up-to-date bank statements Bill payment Transfer of funds Loan applications Higher interest rates
What are the steps in online Banking?
Customer have to log in
security information
Account information and available services
Account details
What are the two major effects of online services?
1 Some staff have lost their jobs
2 Increase in the demand of workers in the technical aspects of work
Time and Automation what happens?
A computer can be used to carry out the whole process
Only manual input required: type up the details of each worker
What are the heath issues related with using computers?
1 Increase in Repetitive
Strain Injury
2. Vision and Posture Problems
What are the safety issues with using computers?
- Electrocution
- Fire
- Tripping Hazards
- Danger Caused by Heavy Equipment Falling
The two most common Repetitive strain injuries (RSI) are?
1 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: this is when the person feels pain in the forearm and wrist.
2 Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: this is condition that affects the elbow.
How can RSI be prevented?
Health and safety guidelines must be followed regarding: 1 Height 2 Position 3 Distance of monitor 4 Distance of keyboard from the user
How to prevent Electrocution?
1 Electrical sockets should not be overloaded.
2 All electrical installations should be carried out by a qualified electrician.
3 The equipment that is used should be of a reliable standard and should be annually checked.
4 All the electrical supplies must be AWAY from water supplies
5 The workers must NOT take drinks to tables where they are working with electrical equipment
How to prevent fire?
1 It must be ensured that there is enough carbon dioxide in fire extinguishers at all times.
2 Fire exits must be kept clear at all times
3 All electrical equipment must be located away from water supplies.
how to prevent tripping Hazards?
1 Cabling must not be trailing on the floor
2 Additional equipment should be situated where it will not result in trailing cables.
What is the effect of ICT?
1 Online services has caused the unemployment rate to increase
2 What some employers have done is that instead of decreasing the amount of employees they have, the have decreased the amount of time they work
Effect of ICT - Disadvantage
1 Employees workload has increased. The employers expect the employee to take the work home.
2 Since the workers will be working a fewer amount of hours it means that they will be paid a fewer wage.
What is leisure time?
Due to the increased amount of online shopping and banking people have comparatively more leisure time because they don’t have to go out for shopping or to the bank
What has to happen before the shop can go online?
1 It can be made secure by the use of usernames and passwords.
2 It must allow customers to make use of orders stored in the database. This is so that they can find what they want quickly, see their history, and maintain their own accounts.
3 The website MUST be a friendly user interface.
4 The customers must feel confident that all the transactions that will be made are secure
Account Information and Services Available what does this page consist of?
1 Customers accounts
2 Account numbers
3 Different services the customer can apply for.
What can a customer do with online banking?
1 Order a bank statement 2 Pay a bill 3 Transfer money 4 Get account details 5 Change/ create standing orders and direct debits (E.g. 6 paying a gas bill) 7 Stop a cheque 8 Get a new PIN
Advantages of online banking to the bank
1 Don’t need to rents area on main streets (which can be very expensive)
2 Employ fewer staff– need to pay fewer wages + have fewer running costs
3 Low costs– higher interest rates for savers and lower rates for borrowers
4 Less likely that the bank will be robbed
5 Reduced amount of money spent on security staff
Disadvantages of online banking to the bank?
1 Less personal touch so reduced amount of up selling
2 Fraud or interception of account information may be a possibility which could cause the bank to loose money.
3 Costas are still involved in running the business – website developers
4 Initial costs may be high
5 Retrain staff– costs money
Advantages of online banking to customers
1 Don’t need to spend money on transport
2 It is easier for people who have disabilities
3 Customer can back at any time that is convenient of them
4 It wont be embarrassing when asking for a load online rather than in person
5 Interest rates on saving accounts is higher
6 Don’t need to worry as to when the bill payments will reach the company because you can send it online
7 Less likelihood of robbery.
Disadvantages of online banking to customers
1 Loose social contact
2 Necessary to have computer skills, internet access, a computer, reliable electricity supply
3 Hackers may intercept data and take money from the customers account
4 Customers may mismanage accounts
5 Outdated reason: phone bill may increase if the phone line is being used to connect to the internet
6 Customers cant make cash deposits; so they will have to physically have to go to the bank
7 Customers may be victims of phishing (when the customer receives an email claiming that it is from the bank and requests you to give out bank details.