Chapter 3 FIRE DEPT VEHICLES Flashcards
Any occurrence involving a city owned or personal vehicle being used on city business, which results in property damage and/or personal injury in which everything reasonably possible to prevent the accident was not performed
Preventable accident
Cables, skid chains, and salt shall carried on all apparatus and ready for service from:
November 1 to April 1
When skid chains or on-spots are in service, the maximum speed is:
35 mph
How often are aerial ladders to be cleaned and lubed?
School bus stopped on a street with four or more lanes:
Only traffic proceeding in the same direction as the bus must stop
After an accident, notify city garage and apparatus/equipment captain to request that apparatus be towed when one or more of the following occurs:
Loss of life
Citation for moving traffic violation
1 or more vehicles disabled
Damage to other property greater than $5k
Any situation a supervisor deems necessary
Apparatus placement in EMS situations
Apparatus placed before the building or accident scene.
Considerations given for medic access to the front, for patient protection from traffic when loading.
Non Take-Home
Used for normal FD business only. Must be secured on city property at all times when not in use.
The preferred method to return apparatus to quarters
Drive through
School bus preparing to stop with four activated amber lights.
Not required to stop
Apparatus placement in fire situations
Placed before or past the fire building.
Considerations given for truck access and possibility of collapse
Form 92s
Drivers report of vehicle accident
Quarterly aerial maintenance is performed between what hours and at what location on the designated date?
0800 and 1200 at E18’s quarters
Other locations may be utilized with permission of DC.
Apparatus placement when not being used directly in a fire attack
Parked to prevent congestion, but placed so it can be moved into operating position if needed
Form 90s
Supervisors investigation of vehicle accident