Chapter 1 ADMINISTRATION Flashcards
Car 303
Responsible for: fire suppression, EMS, HAZMAT, EOD, Technical Rescue, Water Emergency, and the compilation of monthly and annual reports of suppression related activities of all fire companies.
Operations (Car 3)
Master copies of the procedures manual, general orders, and notices are located at the _______________________, and current copies of each or stored on the _____________________.
Fire Training Center, S Drive
Responsible for the general condition of the entire fire station, all reports relative to the buildings and grounds, and for the arrangement of watch duties:
Engine Company Capt (House Capt)
Members are to strictly adhere to the chain of command, with the only exception being:
In emergencies, if warranted. Members violating the chain must be prepared to justify their actions if challenged.
A directive issued by the fire chief to delineate department policy, which remains in force until revised or resend it.
General order
Car 3
Operations AC
Car 301
Member assigned permanently or temporarily two directed and supervise a fire company
Company officer
Car 5
Fire Prevention AC
Staff notes pertaining to changes in procedures will terminate in ______ days, unless converted to written procedure in the form of a general order or procedure manual change.
An alarm transmitted win no emergency exists. Can be accidental or malicious.
False alarm
Reasonable guidelines necessary for proper operation of an organization, standardized in a workable, readable format, and made available to all levels of the organization:
Division that has direct responsibility for the daily activities of all 4 fire department districts:
Operations Division (Car 3)
The location, building, or other area where the fire department is called to perform fire fighting duty.
Fire ground
The annual schedule review of the procedure manual, general orders, and the report manual occurs:
Jan 1st - Mar 31st each year
The period of time when a member shall be at a designated place of assignment.
Active Duty
Division that operates the Fire Invetigation Unit (FIU):
Fire Prevention (Car 5)
Division responsible for the purchasing goods/equipment/apparatus, assignment of apparatus, maintenance/inspection/repairs of apparatus and buildings:
Administration Services (Car 2)
A fire department vehicle used for firefighting
Car 4
Human Resources AC
Car 161
The contents of the procedures manual supersedes any conflicting information contained in any other departmental publication except:
General orders issued by the fire chief or his designee.
A notification to respond to an emergency
Relationship of responsibility and authority as shown on the organization chart
Chain of command