Chapter 3 - Cost and Equity Method Flashcards
Cost Method/Marketable Securities - Equity Method - Consolidation Chart
Cost Method/Marketable Securities = 0 -20%
- The implications is that no influence over the investee company exists
- If the security isn’t marketable, use the cost method
Equity Method (one-line consolidation) = 20-50% - The implication is that the investor has significant voting influence over the investee
Consolidation (Section 31) = + 50%
- The implication is that the investor has control over the investee
- Members of the investor company constitute a majority of the board of directors of the investee
Equity Method
Used when the investor has significant influence over the operating and financial policies of the investee
This is the method used when an investor owns more than 20% but less 50% of voting shares in an entity:
- You can own 21-49% and still not have significant influence
if the investee opposed investor, another investor owns more
and “blocks” your interests, you don’t have representation on
the board - Also, you can own less than 20% and HAVE significant
influence if you own the highest % of stock, if you have
representation on the board, or are technologically interdependent with the investee
Cost Method
- Applies only to equity securities with no significant influence
and when the fair value cannot be easily determined - The investment is recorded on the balance sheet at cost
- Dividends are recognized
If a market value exists, use ___
Market securities rules (trading, available-for-sale, held to maturity)
If no market value exists, use___
Cost method
Journal entry: Equity Method: Buy - Acquisition of investment at cost
Investment Dr
Cash Cr
Journal entry: Equity Method: Investee Earns Money - Investor records % of earnings
Investment Dr
Equity in Earnings Cr
Journal entry: Equity Method: Pay a Dividend - % of Cash dividend
Cash Dr
Investment Cr
Journal entry: Equity Method: To record Amortization/Depreciation/Impairment of excess between BV and purchase price
Equity in earnings Dr
Investment Cr
Journal entry: Cost Method: Buy - Record at Cost
Investment Dr
Cash Cr
Journal entry: Cost Method: Record of Earnings -Investee Earns Money
No Entry
Journal entry: Cost Method: Record % or earnings
Cash Dr
Dividend Income Cr
Journal entry: Cost Method: Amortization/Depreciation of excess
No Entry
Equity to Cost
(ownership changes from 40% to 10%) use the cost method going forward (prospective)
Cost to Equity
(ownership changes from 10% to 40%) Retrospectively apply the equity method, but only for the % you previously owned. (10%), this requires a prior period adjustment to reported income.