Chapter 2 - Cash and Cash Equivalents & Balance Sheet (2) Flashcards
An asset is classified as current when:
1) The entity expects to realize the asset or to consume or sell it within 12 months or the normal opening cycle; or
2) The entity holds the asset primarily for the purpose of trading
A liability is classified as current when
1) The entity expects to settle the liability within the normal operating cycle
2) The liability will be settled within 12 months after the reporting period or;
3) The entity holds the liability for the pupose of trading
Financial Instrument
Any contract that gives results in a finanicla asset of one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity
Financial Liability
A contractual obligation:
- To deliver cash or another financial asset to another entity;
- To exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with another entity on potentially unfavorable terms;
A contract that will be settle in the entity’s own equity instruments
Financial Assets are measured at amortized cost only if 2 conditions are met:
The entity’s business model is to hold the asset to collect scheduled cash flows;
The terms of the instrument call for cash flows that are exclusively payments of principal and interest on specified dates
Financial Asset
Cash; An equity instrument of another entity; A Contracual right to receive cash or another financial asset from another entity; or to exchange financial assets or financial assetsor financial assets or financial liabilities with another entity on potentially unfavorable terms;;A contract that will be settle in the entity;s own equity instruments