Chapter 3-Central Tendency: Lecture Flashcards
Central tendency
- a statistical measure that uses a single value to describe the center of distribution
- goal is to identify the single value that best represents the entire dataset
- can condense a large set of data into a single value
determined using several well-defined procedures
no single procedure always produces a good represtative value
What are the most common techniques for measuring central tendency?
Mean, median, and mode
Descriptive Statistic
- describes a set of data in a simple, concise form
- it is possible to compare two (or more) sets of data by comparing the average score
The mode
- the most frequently occuring score or class inerval in the distribution
- in a frequency distribution, the mode corresponds to the highest point of the distribution
- can be determined for nom. ord. int. and rat. data
- often is used as supplemental measure of central tendency for ord. int. and rat. data (along w/ the median or mean)
What measure of central tendency can be used for data measured on the nominal scale?
ONLY the mode
bimodial vs. multimodial
bimodial distribution: 2 modes
multimodial distribution: 3+ modes
Minor and major mode
- The general term mode is also used to describe a peak in a distribution that is not necessarily the highest point.
- Distribution may have a major mode at the highest peak and a minor mode at the secondary peak, when distribution is CLEARLY humped
The median
- divies the scores so that 50% have values = to or less than the median
- if scores are listed from smallest to largest, the median is the midpoint of the list
- requires scores that can be placed in rank order and measured by ord, int, or rat scale
Calculating median
- If odd # of scores, median is the middle score
- If even # of scores, the median is the 2 middle scores… add them and divide by 2
Advantage to the median
- Is relatively unaffected by extreme scores
- tends to stay in the center of the distrbution even there are a few extreme scores ,or the distribution is very skewed; in these situations the median is a good alternative to the mean
- calculate by adding all the scores and dividing that total by the # of scores
- Mean for pop. represented by mu, mean for sample represented by M (or x bar)
- can be used for ord, int, and ratio data (but is best for int and rat)
What is the most commonly used measure of central tendency?
the mean
How can the mean be defined conceptually?
- the balance point of the distribution
- the sum of distances below the mean is exactly equal to the sum of the distances above the mean
Changing the mean
- because calculation involves every score, changing the value of any score always will change the mean
- discarding or adding new scores will almost always chage the mean (except for when you discard or add a score that is equal to the mean)
Adding/subtracting/dividing/multiplying a constant value to every score…
- when adding/subtracting a constant value from every score, the mean is increased or reduced by that same constant value
- when diving and multiplying, the new mean is = to the old mean (x or divided by) that same constant value
Mean does not provide a representative value when distribution…
- contains a few extreme scores (like US income)
- is very skewed (like US income)
… the mean will be pulled toward the tail/toward the extreme scores and will not provide a representative central value
note: cannot compute the mean w nominal data
In humped distribution the mean…
might represent no one in the distribution
Central tendency and symmetrical distribution
- mean, median, and mode are systematically related
- In a symmetrical distribution, the mean and median are the same
- The mode will also equal the mean and median if there is only one mode
Central tendency and skewed distribution
In a skewed distribution…
* mode: located at peak on one side
* mean: usually displaced toward the tail
* median: usually between the mode and the mean