Chapter 3 British Atlantatic World 1607-1750 Flashcards
Colonies to Empire 1607-1713
England governed New England and Chesapeake colonies loosely
Taking advantage, Puritans and tobacco planters ran their societies as they wished
Post restoration of monarchy, royal bureaucrats tried to order settlements, enlisting aid with Indians and warring with Europeans
Self governing Colonies and New Elites 1607-1660
Disagreements between King Charles I and Parliament led to English Civil war 1642-1651
Oliver Cromwell led Parliamentary forces; Cromwell tried Charles for treason and beheaded him in 1649
Charles II continued the war until 1651 and fled to France
After Cromwell death in 1658, Parliament reinvented Charles to restore monarchy
During these years, English colonies decided economy, govt. + social system through trial/error
It became apparent to the colonies they must self govern and ally with local leaders of Indians
Restoration of 1660 monarchy marks end of period of near independence in colonies
The Restoration Colonies and Imperial Expansion
1662 Charles II married Portuguese Princess Catherine of Braganza - who had islands of Bombay
1663 - Charles initiated new trade in N.A. with settlement of 8 loyal men to Carolina; This had previously been claimed by Spain, populated by thousands of Indians
Charles II also awarded Dutch colony of New Netherland to brother James I, Duke of york, who renamed colony New York
He regranted a portion of New Netherland to William Penn as proprietary (Pennsylvania)
Charles II screwed over Spanish settlement (Carolinas) and Dutch (New Netherland)
The Carolinas
In Chesapeake: Virginia controlled by royal crown, Marland by proprietorship
Like Baltimore’s Maryland, new settlements in Carolina, New York, New Jersey, and Penn were proprietorships
The laws in these colonies had to conform to those of England
New York: James II refused to allow elective assembly, ruling by legal decree
Carolina proprietors hoped to implement manorial system, with mass of serfs governed by handful of powerful nobles
It failed
First North Carolina settlers mixture of poor families and runaway servants from Virginia and English Quakers - equality minded Protestabt sect
Restoration Colonies
New York, Carolina, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey
Manorial System
Lord lived in manor house (large estate) with laborers supporting lord