Chapter 2: American Experiments (1521 - 1700) Flashcards
European and Indigenous American Ancestry
Mixed European and African ancestry
Mixed Indigenous and African ancestry
Spanish Conquistadors received land from the crown
Columbian Exchange
Trade of humans, animals, plants, diseases between Western Hemisphere, Africa, and Europe; Horses improved indian life, potato and maize benefited European cultures
Maximize exports, reduce imports; Benefitted Mother COuntry England with improved trade
Very rigorous labor used to create sugar; Production was done on site; As Indian population decreased, Africans became more prevalent in slave labor
England’s Tobacco Colony
Jamestown, Virginia
Jamestown 1607
Joint Stock Company, Settlers sought gold, but lack of gold led to tobacco which exhausted the land, and House of Burgesses
House of Burgesses
First representative government in US 1619 in Virginia
Indian War 1622
Powhatan despised English attempts to force Indian children into Catholic school; Attack killed 1/3 Jamestown population; Jamestown becomes royal colony in 1624, requiring colonists to pay taxes for Church of England
Anglican Church is established Church
Lord Baltimore - Catholics Maryland
Proprietary Colony - granted by King Charles I (Catholic)
Maryland Acts of Toleration 1649 - Granted religious freedom to Christians, befitting Catholics
Maryland Relied on Tobacco similar to V.A.
Caribbean Islands
SImilar to Brazil, focused on sugar production
Headright System
Gave 50 acres land to whoever paid for immigrants passage
Indentured Servitude
In exchange for passage paid for, servants would work for 4-5 years under contract; 1/2 died before being freed
African Laborers
Used more in Chesapeake due to Bacon’s Rebellion
Strict laws associated slaves with the color black
New France
Expanded into North America (Canada)
Established Quebec as fur trading post
Jesuit priests sought to convert Indians to Catholicism
New Netherlands
First Dutch Colony in N.A.
Amsterdam (Manhattan) small, but significant traders of fur
Rise of Iroquois
Located in Central/West NY
Traded weapons/goods with French and Dutch
Remained strong force in NY