Chapter 3: Bacterial Sex Genetics Flashcards
What are the four ways that bacteria can exchange genetic fragments?
The process of transformation
Naked DNA fragments from one bacterium released during lysis, bind to the cell wall of another bacterium
Recipient bacterium must be competent
Structures on the bacteria cell wall that can bind the DNA and take it up intracellularly
Recipient is usually of the same species as the donor
Bacteriophage carries a piece of bacterial DNA from one bacterium to another
Virulent phages
infect bacteria, reproduce, then lysis and kill bacteria
Generalized transduction
Temparate phages
Do not immediately lyse bacteria
Do not undergo transcription
DNA becomes incorporated into the bacterial chromosome
DNA waits for signal to become active
Specialized transduction
Integrated temparate phage genome
Bacteria that have a prophage integrated into their chromosome
Lysogenic immunity
Ability of an integrated bacteriophage to block a subsequent infection by a similar phage
DNA exchanged by cell-to-cell contact
Major mechanism for transfer of antibiotic resistance
For conjugation to occur, one bacterium must have what? What will it form?
self-transmissible plasmid called an F plasmid
F plasmid has a gene that encodes enzymes and proteins that form the sex pilus
What is an Hfr cell?
F plasmid is integrated into the bacterial chromosome
What can result from an Hfr cell?
(1) Entire bacterial chromosome will transfer from the Hfr cell to the recipient cell
(2) integrated F plasmid in the Hfr cell may be excised at a different site from that of integration –>F plasmid that has a segment of chromosomal DNA (F’ plasmid)
What is analogous to specialized transduction and why?
F’ conjugation because in both situations a nearby segment of chromosomal DNA is picked up accidentally and can be transferred to other bacterial cells
Mobile genetic elements
can insert into DNA w/o DNA homology
Can spread drug resistance strains rapidly