the arrival of the ACTION POTENTIAL
at the nerve ending leads to DEPOLARIZATION
Increase in intracellular Ca2+ initiates the fusion of the synaptic VESICLES with the presynaptic membrane and release of their contents
the neurotransmitter rapidly diffuses across the synapse and combines with specific RECEPTORS on the postsynaptic cell
nervous system divides into
peripheral nervous system (nerves) and central nervous system (brain and spinal cord)
peripheral nervous system divides into
efferent (carry signals AWAY from the body) and afferent (inside CNS)
Efferent division divides into
autonomic and somatic system
- auto: things we cant control
-somatic: things we can voluntary control
autonomic system divides into (3)
enteric, parasympathetic, sympathetic
Autonomic (ANS) anatomy
efferent neurons carry the signal to effector organs
-preganglionic from brainstem/spinal cord to the ganglionic transmitter
-postganglionic to the effector organ
afferent neurons are important in
reflex regulation: example sensing pressure in the aortic arch
what is a ganglion
collection of cell bodies in the PNS (peripheral)
ANS 3 divisions differ in 3 different ways
-location of originating cells in the CNS
-location of the ganglia
-preganglionic and postganglionic neurons
ANS- sympathetic
-short pre fibers, long post fibers
-from one neuron, branches to many effector organs for a greater effect
-HIGHLY branched
- long pre fibers, short post fibers
- ganglia near the effector organs
-one to one connection between pre and post nerves
DISCREET response
2 functions of symp and parasymp
-fight or flight response
-rest and digest response
sympathetic: fight or flight
activation of effector organs and adrenal medulla, body prepared to unexpected stimuli during emergencies
ex) tracheal dilation
parasympathetic: rest and digest
discrete activation of effector organs, maintain homeostasis and oppose/balance symp system
ex) dec heart rate
what is the reflex arc?
sensor inputs from peripheral structures send afferent impulses to the CNS
- responds by sending out efferent reflex impulses via ANS
ex) sensor input such as drop in BP, the reflex response from ANS would inc blood pressure
chemical signaling between cells (3)
hormones, local mediators, and neurotransmitters
chem signaling: neurotransmitters
types: norepinephrine, epinephrine, Ach, dopamine, histamine, etc…
main two types of neurotransmitters
Acetylcholine, Ach, and Norepinephrine, NE, primary chem signals in ANS
autonomic vs somatic chemical signaling: what does one have that the other doesn’t?
ganglia. auto has ganglia and somatic doesn’t (sends to skeletal muscle not involved in effector organs)
neurotransmitter signal transduction
neurotrans bind to receptors
which two types of receptors do neurotransmitters bind to?
adrenergic and cholinergic receptors
adrenergic receptors
release NE, norepinephrine
cholinergic receptors
release Ach, nicotinic and muscarinic (ligand gated channels)