Blood Coagulation: formation of fibrin
- cascade of enzymatic rxns transform plasma factors to their active/enzymatic forms
factor Xa–> converts factor II (prothrombin) to factor IIa (thrombin)
thrombin then converts fibrinogen into fibrin
intrinsic vs extrinsic pathways
intrinsic starts at XII and extrinsic starts at VII
- they converge at 10 and 10a (X)
thrombin role
coagulation, responsible for generating fibrin (forms mesh-like matrix of blood clot)
inhibition of coagulation
- coag restricted to local site of vascular injury
- protein C, S, antithrombin III, ad tissue factor pathway inhibitor all inhib coag factors (all endogenous)
Anticoagulant Drugs
- names
- MOAs (2)
- heparin or warfarin
- LMWH: enoxaparin, dalteparin
- either inhibit action of coag factors, or interfere with synth of coag factors
Heparin: intro
injectable, rapid-acting to interfere formation of thrombi
- macromolecule complexed w histamine in mast cells
- unfractioned heparin: mix of straight chain glycosaminoglycans
(range of MWs) - low MW forms also work as anticoags (enoxaparin, dalteparin)
Heparin: MOA
- bind to antithrombin III–> rapid inactivation of coag factors
antithrombin III–> inhibit thrombin (factor IIa) and factor Xa
Low MW Heparin MOA
form complex w antithrombin III and inactive factor Xa but DONT bind as well to thrombin
- pentasaccharide seq permits binding to antithromb III
Heparin: therapeutic use
- acute venour thromboembolism (DVT or PE)
- prophylaxis postop venous thrombosis in PT doing surgery and w acute MI
- pregnant women (bc doesn’t cross placenta)
LMWHs don’t need as intense monitoring
Heparin: Pharmacokinetics
Route adminisitration: SC, IV
SC only for LMWHs
- inactive metabolites, undergo renal excretion
- renal insufficiency prolongs half life of LMWH, dose should be reduced
Heparin: Adverse Effects
- bleeding (protamine sulfate for excessive bleed, 1:1)
- allergic rxns (chills, fever, anaphylactic shock)
- heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)—> circ blood contains low # platelets, risk of venous and arterial embolism
- osteoporosis for long term use
Warfarin: MOA
- factors II, VII, IX, and X need vit K as cofactor for synth by liver
- glutamic acid residues carbox to form gama carboxyglutamic residues which bind Ca ions
vit K regen by vit K epoxide reductase, its INHIBITED BY WARFARIN
Warfarin: therapeutic use
- prevent/treat DVT and PE
- prevent stroke, Afib
- protein C and S deficiency
- antiphospholipid syndrome
- prevent venous thromboembo following ortho surgery
Warfarin: pharmacokinetics
- rapid absorb, PO
- high plasma albumin binding–> can displace anticoag and lead to transient, elevated activity
- drug-drug interactions
Warfarin: adverse effects
- bleeding –>oral vit K for minor bleed, IV vit K for severe
- skin lesions, necrosis
- purple toe syndrome (caused by cholesterol emboli from plaques)
Drugs for Treating Bleeding: Protamine sulfate
- antag anticoag effects of heparin
- protamine interacts w heparin forming stable complex
AE: hypersensitivity, dyspnea, bradycardia, hypotension
Drugs for Treating Bleeding: Vitamin K
- inc supply of active vit K1, inhibit warfarin effect
ROUTES: PO, SC, IV (slowly) - slow response, needs 24 hrs to reduce INR (synth new coag factors)