Chapter 3 - Age-Level Characteristics Flashcards
Large muscle control is a better test than small muscle control and hand-eye coordination
Free play provides multiple benefits
Gender differences in toy play are noticeable by kindergarten.
By 4 y/o, children have a theory of mind: aware of their own mental processes and what others may think and how they could be different
Preschool and Kindergarten
Difficulty focusing on the small print
Accident rate peaks in 3rd grade because of confidence in physical skills
Rigid interpretation of rules
Encourage industry
Primary Grades
Boys are slightly better at sports and motor skills; girls are better at flexibility, balance, and rhythmic motor skills
Peer group norms for behavior begin to replace adult norms
Self-image becomes important
Reason logically but also concretely
Elementary School
Discussion of controversial issues may be difficult because of a strong desire to conform to peer norms
The environment of the school does not meet the needs of adolescents, leading to lower levels of learning.
Middle School
● Factors related to initiation of sexual activity vary by gender, race
● Parents influence values, plans; peers influence immediate status
● Girls are more likely than boys to experience anxiety about friends
● Depression is most common in female students
● Depression and unstable family situations place adolescents at risk for suicide
● Political thinking becomes more abstract, less authoritarian and more knowledgeable
High School
● All about me
Stage 0 - Egocentric Level
● Students start to take a look around at the social environment around them and
take on a role that might be different from themselves.
● Very Self reflective
Stage 1 - Social Information Level
● Understanding your own role and also that of some of your peers. So really
taking it all in.
Stage 2 - Self Reflective Role Taking
● Where you can understand both your own role and that of someone else and
how they might be looking at a social situation
Stage 3 - Multiple Role Taking
● How groups of people look at the world differently and reason differently than
you do.
Stage 4 - Social and Conventional Role Taking
● Many psychiatric disorders ○ Eating disorders ○ Substance abuse ○ Schizophrenia ○ Depression ○ Suicide ● Most common type of emotional disorder is depression, and more common in females than males
Emotional Characteristics of High School Children
-Express emotions freely
-Anger outbursts frequent
-Jealousy is they feel in competition for attention, seek
approval, affection from teachers
Emotional Characteristics of Preschool and Kindergarten Children
-Begin to dev. Theory by 4: Aware of their own mental
processes and that others might think differently than
they do.
-Skillful with language
-Like to talk
-Think they can do anything, but may underestimate
-Competence encouraged by interaction, interest, opportunity, limits, admiration and signs of affection
Cognitive Characteristics of Preschool and Kindergarten Children
- Sensitive to criticism and ridicule and may have difficulty adjusting to failure,
- Eager to please the teacher.
- Helpful and enjoys responsibility
- Becoming more sensitive to others feelings.
Emotional Characteristics of Primary Grade Children
-Understand that there are some way of doing things
that are better than others.
-Being learning recall
-Do not learn as effectivly as older kids yet.
-Talking out loud to oneself reaches a peak between ages 6-7 then rapidly declines and turns to silent
inner speech with age.
Cognitive Characteristics of Primary Grade Children
-Dev. More global integrated, complex self image.
-Developing self description, self esteem, self
- Disruptive family relationships, social rejection,
school failure may lead to delinquent behavior
-Delinquents have few friends, easily distracted, not
interested in schoolwork.
Emotional Characteristics of Elementary Grade Children
-Can think logically, but thinking is constrained and inconsistent. -Often perform about as well as adolescents or adults on simple memory skills. -Performance limited on complex skills.
Cognitive Characteristics of Elementary Children
-Experience different degrees of turmoil. Not a period of turmoil and stress typically believed - many positive and carefree. -Influence of egocentric thoughts creates feeling self conscious and self centered.
Emotional Characteristics of Middle Schoolers
-Need open supportive and intellectually stimulating learning environments due to the psychological demands of adolescence. -Self efficacy important to intellectual and social behavior.
Cognitive Characteristics of Middle Schoolers
-Emotional Disorders (Eating, substance abuse, schizophrenia, depression and suicide)
Emotional Characteristics of High School Children
-Increasingly capable of formal thought but may not use. -Political thinking more abstract, liberal and knowledgeable.
Cognitive Characteristics of High School Children