chapter 3 Flashcards
In order to understand how families exert their influence, it is necessary to have
some theoretical understanding of family systems and how they operate.
the study of how systems are governed by feedback.
in order to understand the behavior of family members it is necessary to look at the whole family and how its members interact this is the suggestion of what?
Systems theory
socially influenced assumptions shape how people behave and interact.
Scoial constructionism
universal need for emotional closeness,
helps therapists look beneath family quarrels to the underlying needs that sometimes get obscured.
Attachment theory
interpersonal context, complementarity of relationships, circularity of most interactions, triangles, process/content distinction, family structure, family life cycle, family narratives, the role of gender and culture.
Family therapist practices taking into account
The return of a portion of the output of a system, especially when used to maintain the output within predetermined limits (negative feedback), or to signal a need to modify the system (positive feedback).
Feedback loop
Information that signals a system to correct a deviation and restore the status quo
Negative feedback
Information that confirms and reinforces the direction a system is taking.
Positive feedback
the idea that actions are interrelated through a series of recursive loops or repeating cycles
circular causality
Unchecked positive feedback that causes a family or system to get out of control.
family rules
negative feedback
sequences of family interactions
positive feedback
families cybernetics focus
A descriptive term for redundant behavioral patterns.
family rules
Recurrent patterns of behavior that families engage in, especially around their presenting problems.
sequences of family interactions
Communication about communication, usually at another level.
focused on the feedback loops within families, otherwise known as patterns of communication, as the fundamental source of family dysfunction
Family cyberneticians
The idea that because the mind is so complex, it’s useful to study people’s input and output (communication, behavior) rather than try to speculate about what goes on inside them.
Black box metaphor
A biological model of living systems as whole entities that maintain themselves through continuous input and output from the environment; developed by Ludwig von Bertalanffy.
General system theory
A set of interrelated elements that exchange information, energy, and material with the surrounding environment.
Open systems