Chapter-3 Flashcards
Mike Devine was sitting on the adge of the bed
Mike Devine sedel na rohu postele
He was wearing a white bathrobe with PALM BEACH RESORT written on it.
Mal na sebe biely župan s napisom PALM BEACH RESORT.
I must have been unconscious for over an hour.
Musel som byt v bezvedomi viac ako hodinu.
Mike Devine had obviously woken up after the cold shower I had given him.
Mike Devine zrejme vstal potom ako som mu dal studenu sprchu.
The gun was still pointing at my head.
Zbraň stálemierila na moju hlavu.
My apartment has been wrecked and you are lying on my bedroom floor.
Môj byt bol poškodený a ty ležíš na podlade v spálni.
I don’t remember a thing. And I don’t believe you.
Nepamätam si vec a neverím ti.
He walked over to the phone by the bed and picked it up.
Podišiel k telefónu pri posteli a zdvihol ho
I’ve got an intruder here
Mám tu votrelca.
Mike hung up and sat down on the bed.
Mike zložil telefón a sadol si na posteľ.
It was doorman with moustache - the man who had help me carry Devine in from the car.
Bol to vrátnik s fúzami - muž, ktorý mi pomohol odniesť Devina z auta.
The doorman gave a short loud laugh.
Vrátnik sa krátko nahlas zasmial.
He brought you home, and he and I carried you up here.
Priniesol vás domov a ja a on sme vás vyniesli sem hore.
Did you let anyone in here earlier this evening?
Dnes večer ste sem niekoho pustili?
I don’t let people into apartments when the owner’s out.
Nepúšťam ľudí do bytov, keď je majiteľ vonku.