Chapter 2 Flashcards
That guy’s a fool
Ten chlap je hlupák
What do you want me to do?
Čo chceš aby som spravil?
I managed to say
Stihol som povedať
Let’s start by getting my car off the road
Začnime tým, že dostanem svoje auto z cesty
He shouldn’t have been driving it
Nemal to riadiť
He had far too much to drink
Mal príliš veľa na pitie
But he wouldn’t let me drive
ale nedovolil mi riadiť
Do you repeat everything someone says?
Opakujete všetko, čo niekto hovorí?
She asked sharply
Spýtala sa rázne
Mike had never done a day’s work in his life
Mike nikdy v živote nerobil dennú prácu
He was never short of money - his father made sure of that
Peniaze mu nikdy nechýbali - o to sa postaral jeho otec
Anything might happen
Môže sa stať čokoľvek