Chapter 3 Flashcards


What are the aims of regulation?


 Financial markets of all developed economies are regulated to some extent

 Developed countries – government acts as lender of last resort as consequence of complete financial market failure would be severe for country, economy and society

 One aim is to limit likelihood and potential cost of failures of financial services companies,

 and to limit the need to step in as lender of last resort

 Principle aims of regulation:

  1. Correct perceived market inefficiencies and promote efficient and orderly markets
  2. Protect consumers of financial products
  3. Maintain confidence in the financial system
  4. Help reduce financial crime

 Market may be inefficient in sense that consumers of financial services make inefficient (incorrect) choices – lack of information and expertise of private investors with regard to complex services traded

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What are the costs of regulation?

  1. The cost of regulation

 Regulators must develop system that achieves aims specified above at MINIMUM cost and hope benefits outweigh costs

 Optimal level of regulation is when marginal benefits of regulation = marginal costs

2.1. Direct costs

 Administering the regulation – collection and examination of information provided by market participants and monitoring their activities

 Compliance for the regulated firms – maintain records, collating the requisite information and supplying it to regulator / investor

 In practice, most direct costs are borne by the investor – higher taxation to fund the regulator and/or higher charges and fees for financial services

2.2. Indirect costs

 Alteration in behaviour of consumers who may be given false sense of security and reduced sense of responsibility for their own actions – moral hazard

 Undermining the sense of professional responsibility among intermediaries and advisors – moral hazard

 Reduction in consumer protection mechanisms developed by the market – moral hazard

 Reduced product innovation

 Reduced competition

 As financial markets become globalised regulators have to co-ordinate their activities on an international basis

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Why is the need for regulation of financial markets greater than that of other markets?


 Claimed that need for regulation of financial markets is greater than that of other markets, because:

Asymmetric information

 Major contribution to collapse of African Bank was lack of regulation when it came to the bank’s lending – lent out millions of unsecured loans to individuals who were unable to at any point afford the repayment

3.1. Confidence

 Dangers of problems in one area spreading to other parts of the system and damage that would be done by a systemic financial collapse

 Systemic risk – risk of failure of one financial institution leading to the failure of another, which in turn causes difficulties for a third institution and so on

 This risk arises when financial positions of different institutions are very closely interlinked and can result in overall failure of financial system

 Collapse of large bank could lead to loss of faith in banking system

 To prevent systemic collapse or loss of confidence:

 Not necessary to guarantee the solvency of every financial institution
 BUT, to ensure that the failure of one participant does not threaten the whole system

3.2. Asymmetric information

 The better-informed party could use information for own benefit and to detriment of the other party.

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What are the functions of the regulator?


The functions of a regulator

 Influencing and reviewing government policy

 Vetting and registration of firms and individuals authorised to conducts certain types of business

 Supervising the prudential management of financial organisations and the way in which they conduct business

 Enforcing regulations, investigation suspected breaches and imposing sanctions

 Providing information to consumers and the public

 Regulation may be segregated by type of financial business – insurance and investment

 It will be necessary to regulate:

	Deposit-taking institutions
	Financial institutions
	Securities markets
	Professional advisers
	Non-financial companies offering securities to the public
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What is information asymmetry and how does it lead to anti-selection and moral hazard?


 Information asymmetry – situation where at least one party to a transaction has relevant information which the other party or parties do not have

 Prospective policyholder tries to avoid disclosing information

 Area of most concern is the asymmetry of information between the product provider and the end customer – difference in expertise and negotiating strength that often exists in financial transactions

 Information concerning financial services may be widely available obtaining the required info will normally involve a cost


 People will be more likely to take out contracts when they believe their risk is higher than the insurance company has allowed for in its premiums.

 Can arise where existing policyholders have the opportunity of exercising a guarantee or an option.

 Those who have the most to gain from the guarantee or option will be most likely to exercise it.

Moral hazard

 The action of a party who behaves differently from the way they would behave if they were fully exposed to the consequences of that action.

 Party behaves inappropriately or less carefully than they would otherwise, leaving the organisation to bear some of the consequences of the action

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How is information asymmetry dealt with - Disclosure and education - Conflicts of interest - Negotiation


Disclosure and education

 Reduced or mitigated by requirements for a service provider to disclose full information about its products or itself in an understandable form and by perhaps by consumer education by the regulator

Conflicts of interest

 Knowledge held by service provider about third parties can be restricted to that which is publicly available by insider-trading regulations

 AND, by techniques such as Chinese walls or separation of functions between different organisations


 Weakness of an individual in negotiating a deal with a large institution may be addressed by price controls or the regulation of selling practices

 Strengthen customer’s position by giving them right to terminate the sales process at any time

 OR, providing a cooling off period during which a consumer can cancel a contract with no penalty

 Price controls could involve:

Setting of max commission scale

Requirement for a fee basis (customer pays fixed fee for advice) rather than commission basis (fee depends on product sold, provider and size of premium paid) – to ensure that advice given is in best interest of consumer

Max premium rates and/or levels of management charges
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How is information asymmetry dealt with - Unfair features of insurance companies - Treating the customer fairly


Unfair feature of insurance contracts:

 Product provider writes legal contract document

 Have great expertise in designing contracts and legal teams that ensure the contract wording is in their favour.

 Retail customer has none of these advantages

 Thus, there is consumer protection legislation that provide unfair terms in insurance contracts to be set aside

 Examples:

Literature – plain, easy to understand language

Contract terms – company not able to change the contract terms significantly without a valid reason and without allowing the consumer to have sufficient notice and opportunity to immediately dissolve the contract

Discontinuance benefits – size and payment of surrender values

Treating the customer fairly

 Countries have legislations and regulations to ensure providers consider interests of customers

 In many jurisdictions there is general regulatory requirement on regulated bodies to treat customers fairly.

 The interpretation of what treating customers fairly means can vary significantly by jurisdiction

 Key outcomes that should be achieved as a result of TCF:

Consumers can be confident that they are dealing with firms where fair treatment of customers is central to corporate culture

Products and services marketed and sold in market are designed to meet needs of identified consumer groups and are targeted accordingly

Consumers provided with clear info and kept informed before, during and after point of sale

Advice given is suitable and takes account of consumers’ circumstances

Products perform as firms have led them to expect and associated services is of acceptable standard

Consumers do not face unreasonable post-sale barriers imposed by firms to change product, switch provider, submit claim or make complaint

 Actuary with statutory responsibilities - frequently include the requirement to notify the regulatory authorities if actuary believe product provider is acting in way that is prejudice in interests of its customers

 Whistle-blowing

 This imposes a conflict of interest on the actuary

 Discretionary benefits and charges should not be too dissimilar from those that customers were led to believe they would receive when they entered into contract

 Main influences on policyholder expectations are:

Statements made by provider – especially those made to customer in marketing literature and other communications

Past practice of the product provider

General practices of other product providers in the market
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How is confidence in the financial market maintained - Capital adequacy


Capital adequacy

 Must hold sufficient financial resources to cover liabilities – to protect consumers and reduce systematic risk

 Cash, capital, liquid securities and credit lines

 Financial services providers must show that their assets are enough to cover liabilities at present, AND

 Also, must show that they have sufficient margins to ensure that they are likely to be able to do so in future in face of adverse experience – capital requirements and required capital

 Must also be able to meet short-term expected and unexpected liability outgo

 Statutory requirements relating to coverage of liabilities could take form of:

Assets = to specified proportion of liabilities with both assets and liabilities being valued according to a prescribed basis

Sufficient assets must be held to ensure probability of insolvency over a particular time period is lower than a specified level taking into account company’s risk

 Ensuring all of this requires accurate models of business – to monitor risk levels and must be used with competence and integrity

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How is confidence in the financial market maintained - Competence and integrity


Competence and integrity

 Ensuring this is a crucial role for a financial regulator

 Competency – know the appropriate course of action to take on behalf of investor

 Integrity – they choose to take it

 Prove competence – obtaining specified qualifications or membership of professional organisation

 NB role of regulator is to determine which professional organisations and qualifications to recognise

 May also be able to prevent an individual from working in particular industry or at senior level if they are not judged to be fit and proper

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How is confidence in the financial market maintained - Compensation schemes


Compensation schemes

 Regulators may establish compensation schemes, funded by industry or by government

 Provide recompense to investors who have suffered losses

 Cover losses due to fraud, bad advice or failure of service provider rather than market-related losses

 Investors not compensated if value of shares held goes down because market as a whole does or company involved performs badly.

 To reduce impact of moral hazard – amount of compensation might be limited to max percentage of any loss or to max absolute amount

 Ensures that investor retains some incentive to consider financial integrity of provider

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How is confidence in the financial market maintained - Other protection for investors


Other protection for investors

 Security market regulators will seek to ensure market is transparent, orderly and provides proper protection to investors

 Important to protect private investors who might be less informed than institutions

 Transparency required to ensure that they are able to see more easily what exactly in happening in marketplace

 Orderliness necessary because often not able to trade immediately in response to new info or events that impact upon market prices

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How is confidence in the financial market maintained - Stock exchange requirements


Stock exchange requirements

 Companies listed on the stock exchange will have to fulfil certain criteria regarding financial stability

 AND, will have to fulfil specified obligations for the disclosure of financial and other info

 May be more onerous than general accounting requirements that apply to all companies

 Aim is to ensure investor can make well-informed investment decisions

 Regulators will monitor aspects such as prices at which business is done and reporting of deals

 Trading volumes may be recorded to:

Deter or identify occurrence of insider trading, based upon non-public information

Prevent substantial acquisitions of shares occurring quickly and privately – to protect position of shareholders

 Regulations governing issues of new share and takeover bids for companies

 Aimed at protection of those at an
information disadvantage

 Principles that might be required to be observed in takeover;

Protection of interests of existing shareholders & managers & wider public interest

That it does not lead to market-dominating companies restricting competition

Prevention of a bidder retracting an offer – other than in expectational circumstances

Disclosure of specified info
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What are the different regulation regimes?


1.Forms of regulation

 Different types

 Most important are self-regulation and statutory regulation


 Detailed rules setting out what may or may not be done

 Prescriptive regime likely to control tightly the activities of parties affected – reducing likelihood of thing going wrong

 Often has greater costs than other approaches

Freedom of action

 Regulation can involve freedom of action but with rules on publicity so that third parties are fully informed about the providers

 Firm can do what they want as long as it publishes sufficient information for the regulator to check that it is being properly managed


 Regime can allow freedom of action but prescribe the outcomes that will be tolerated

 Concerned with end result – has investor made well-informed decision

  1. Unregulated markets and unregulated lines of business

 Has been argued that cost of regulation in some markets outweigh the benefits

 Markets where only professionals operate or commodity products with guaranteed benefits that are sold only on price (assurances)

 So here best option is no specific regulations – participants will still be subject to general trading and other laws

  1. Voluntary codes of contract

 Are vulnerable to a lack of public confidence or to a few rogue operators refusing to co-operate – leading to break down of system

Advantages: (compared to statutory)

 Reduced cost of regulation
 Rules set by those with greatest knowledge of industry


 Greater incentive to breach the voluntary code – which will have no legal backing and less severed penalties

  1. Self-regulation

 Organised and operated by the participants in a particular market without government intervention

 Incentive is that regulation is an economic good that consumers of financial services are willing to pay for and which will benefit all participants

 Other incentive, threat by government to impose statutory regulation if a satisfactory self-regulation system isn’t implemented

  1. Statutory regulation

 The government sets out the rules and polices them

  1. Mixed regimes

 In practice many regulatory regimes are a mixture of all the systems

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What is are the advantages and disadvantages of self-regulation?


Advantages of self-regulation

 Implemented by the people with the most knowledge of the market

 And who also have greatest incentive to achieve the optimal cost-benefit ratio

 Should be able to respond rapidly to changes in market needs

 Easier to persuade firms and individuals to co-operate with a self-regulatory organisation than with a government bureaucracy

Disadvantages of self-regulation

 The closeness of the regulator to the industry it is regulating

 Danger than the regulator accepts the industry’s point of view and is less in tune with the views of third parties (consumers of financial services)

 This can lead to weaker regime than is acceptable to consumers and other members of the public

 Even if the regime is operating efficiently and effectively, it can suffer from low public confidence

 Regulator must be fair and objective, but it must be clearly seen to be so in the eyes of the investing public

 It may also inhibit new entrants to a market

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What is are the advantages and disadvantages of statutory regulation?


Advantages of statutory regulation

 Should be less open to abuse than alternatives

 May command greater public confidence

 May be concerns that regulatory body takes more heed of views of those it is regulating than those of the consumers

 Regulatory body may be able to be run efficiently if economies of scale can be achieved through grouping its activities by function rather than type of business

 Example of split function – have separate regulators responsible for monitoring market conduct and regulatory solvency

Disadvantages of statutory regulation

 More costly and inflexible then self-regulation

 Argued that market participants are in best position to devise and run the regulatory system

 Outsiders might impose rules that are unnecessarily costly and may not achieve desired aim

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How are professional bodies used to ensure regulation?


 Professional bodies (Actuarial Society of SA) have responsibility for ensuring that their members are appropriately qualified for the work they undertake,

 And that they conform to professional standards of behaviour,

 These bodies have a long history of ensuring market stability and consumer protection


What is the role of the central bank?


Central bank

 Plays a part in the regulatory or supervisory regime for financial product providers

 The function of the central bank, in order to meet government targets, can be:

Control the money supply

Determine/influence interest rates

Determine/influence inflation rates

Determine/influence exchange rates

Target macroeconomic feature such as growth and unemployment

Ensure stability of the financial system

Be lender of last resort to commercial banks

 Governments will normally give central banks primary target to achieve and secondary targets

 Interest, inflation and exchange rates directly affect financial product providers in the terms they can offer for the products they sell

 Other features, affect the general economy and hence ability of consumers to invest or to purchase financial protection


What is the role of the state?


 In some territories, financial products of certain classes may only be sold by state monopoly companies

 In other cases, tariff premium rates are set by government for certain classes of business or types of arrangement

 All these features restrict a free market and limit number of participants in the market to those that can meet state requirements

 State intervention potentially damages innovation and new developments


What is the role of large market participants


 Large companies can allow smaller participants to find niche markets,

 And, can help to stabilise premium rates

 There is a risk that very large participants could distort the market – potentially to detriment of consumers in market

 In most developed markets there will be regulations – to avoid monopolies and anti-competitive practices

 Also risk that certain participants in a market could take up significant share of the available resource that a regulator has.

 THUS, regulator has limited resources available to monitor the smaller market participants – could be to detriment of consumers in market