Chapter 3 Flashcards
3 forms in dwelling program
- Basic
- Broad
- Special
Basic Coverage
9 forms of loss or perils..coverage the least amount of things
The home that the policy owner lives in
Basic dwelling coverage (covers 9 things/perils) DP 00 01
- Fire/lightning and Internal explosion
- Windstorm or hail
- Explosion
- Riot/Civil commotion
- Aircraft
- Vehicles
- Smoke
- Volcanic eruption
- Vandalism
Broad dwelling coverage (7 additional perils) DP 00 02
- Damage by burglers
- Falling objects
- Weight of ice/snow
- discharge or water or stream
- Sudden and accidental tearing apart, cracking, burning, or bulging of appliances
- Freezing
- sudden and accidental artificially generated electric current being damaged
Additional Broad dwelling coverage
Lawns, Trees, shrubs
Breakage of glass
Collapse `
A through E property coverages
A - Dwelling B - Other structures C - personal property ($250 deductible) D - fair rental value E - Additional living expense
Actual cash value =
replacement cost - depreciation
DP 01 Basic coverage
Fire, lightning, explosion
DP 01 Basic form option 1
In addition to fire, lightning and explosion, it will also cover Windstorm/hail, smoke, explosion, aircraft/vehicle and riots.
DP 01 Basic form option 2
Includes everything in option 1 - including vandalism and volcanic eruption. (Cannot buy 2 without getting 1)
DP 02 Broad form
Includes everything from DP 01 including extended coverage perils and Vandalism.
DP 02 Broad theft Coverage
Can only be gotten if the insured owns the house and lives in the house. If Owner is vacant for more than 60 days in a row, they are no longer covered
DP 03 Special Form
All perils are included in coverage EXCEPT those that are listed as exclusions
Coverage A B C D and E
A - Dwelling B - Other structures C - personal property D - Fair rental value E - additional living expenses
Homeowners policy - forms (6) (a policy is the same as a form)
Broad forms (HO-02) Special forms (HO-03) Renters/Tents forms (HO-04) Comprehensive forms (HO-05) Condominium forms (H0-06) covers YOUR condo. Not common areas Modified forms (HO-08) Old, historic homes
HO - 02 covered perils (Broad)
Fire Lightning Wind Airplane Car/vehicle Explosion Civil commotion Smoke Vandalism Falling objects Ice/snow/sleet weight Buldging of a building Volcanic activity Power surge that destroys computer/tv a few more
HO -03 (special)
Everything that is covered in HO - 02 plus an open peril (whatever is excluded in the form wont be covered
H0 - 04 perils
Renters - Same thing as H0 -02 just for renters
HO - 05
Comprehensive - building and contents an open you most things
HO - 06
Condominium - Same as HO - 02
HO - 08
Old or historic homes - Same as HO - 02 I think
Two sections in Home owners coverage
Section 1 - property
Section 2 - Liability
Section 1 (Coverage A - D)
A - dwelling
B - Other Structures (detached garage, etc)
C - Personal Property
D - Loss of Use (if the house burned down you would have to get hotel. This will give you money to pay for hotel room)
All forms use a basic deductible of $250
Section 2
E - Personal Liability (I am definitely in the wrong, I did something)
F - Medical Payments to others (Usually much smaller dollar amount) (friend slips down my stairs. I didn’t do it but they hurt they bum bum lets help them pay)
Coverage A
Dwelling - the home. also covers attached garages or sheds or whatever
Coverage B
Other structures - need to be detached from home. will cover up to 10% of however much A is. (If home is 1 milli then theyd coverage garage up to 100K)
Coverage C
Personal property. Again, a percentage. You are covered worldwide.
Coverage D
Loss of use. Paying for added expenses
Additional HO Property coverages:
- Debris removal
- Lawns, plants, trees
- Removal (If gma rock gets smashed we be covered)
- Reasonable cost of repairs
- Fire damage service charge (up to 500)
- Loss assessment (up to 1000)
- Collapse
- Landlord furnishings
actual cash value vs replacement Cost
ACV - What the product is worth at the time
Replacement Cost - Without any deduction (used when replacing dwellings usually)
ACV = replacement cost - depreciation
Liability coverage - Coverage E
Personal Liability. Covers property damage and bodily injury
Liability coverage - Coverage F
Medical payments to others - basic limit of 1000. (can be increased)
Builders risk
This is insurance to a building that is being built.
Things that are included no extra charge:
-Debris removal
- fire truck service charge
-Preservation of property
BPP coverage form
Business Building and personal property: It covers building and personal property in (OR WITHIN 100 FEET) of building
Commercial Inland Marine available coverages:
Accounts receivable
Bailee’s Customer (Coverage for when you break something that is a customers) (popular at laundry mats)
Commercial articles (Commerical camera, musical instruments, etc.)
Contractors equipment (mobile equipment that is rented or borrowed)
Electronic data Processing
Farm Coverage forms (this is apart of CPP)
Basic, Broad, Special
Coverage A - D (same as HO)
Coverage E F G (These are farm specific)
Farm liability
Coverage H - J
H - Bodily injuries and property damage arising from farming operations
I - personal and advertising injury
J - reasonable medical expenses regardless of fault (for up to 3 years)
Livestock Coverage
named peril coverage
Mobile Agricultural and machinery equipment
open peril coverage
BOP (Business owners Policy)
Prepackaged policy. It is for small - medium sized businesses.
Who is eligible for a BOP?
Office Buildings Fast food convinent stores mercandile and service establishments apartments and condos some contractors
BOP section 1
Covers property. The physical building property OR could do business personal property. OR can cover both
Combined Single
A specific amount of coverage (aka 500k) that covers bodily injury and property damage that happens from one specific event (someone ram ranches their car into your porch while you be smoking a stogie)
Eligible causes of a flood (4)
overflow of tidal waters
unusual and rapid accumulation of runoff waters
abnormal erosion of shorelines caused by flooding