Chapter 3 Flashcards
The neuron is a specialized cell & the —— of our nervous system
The building block
What was Golgi’s rejected neuron theory?
- NS as an interconnected network of fibres with information flowing through it like water which led to behaviour
- Golgi’s “nerve net” confirmed as true, which is a covering called perineuronal net forming around neurons as they mature.
What was Cajal’s neuron theory?
- NS is made up of discrete cells that begin as a simple structure–> become more complex with age
- The more neurons–> the more complex the behaviour
- When mature, these cells consist of main bodies with many extensions
- Glial cells which make up a large part of brain tissue are distinguishable from neurons
- Neurons are the functional units of NS and interactions between them enables behaviour
What are the 3 parts of a neuron?
1) Dendrites “Greek for tree”–> branching extensions that collect info from other cells
2) Cell body/Soma “Greek for body”–> core region that integrates gathered info
3) Axon “Greek for axle”–> the main root that carries messages to other neurons
- Neurons have many dendrites but only one axon
- The human body has 86 billion neurons
- 1:1 ratio characterizes brains of all animals
Describe how neurons process information:
- Neurons acquire information, store it as memory, interpret & pass it along to other neurons–> behaviour is produced & bodily processes are modulated
- Work in groups of hundreds/thousands
- NBD if a few neurons are lost & neuroplasticity compensates for it since they produce new branches, lose old ones and connect with each other dynamically
- Neurons have up to 20 dendrites, with 1 or many more branches and thousands of dedritic spines (small protrusions)
- The dendritic spines are the POC with the neurons
- The more branches & spines–> the more info processed
Describe parts of an axon:
-A single axon carries messages to other neurons
- Begins at an expansion called axon hillock (little hill)
- May branch out into axon collaterals (emerge from it at right angles)
- Axon collaterals may divide into smaller end-branches called telodendrion
- At the end of telodendrions are terminal buttons (end foot)
- Buttons sit closely but do not touch the dendritic spine of another cell
- Create a synaptic connection (transfer site) that includes the surface of terminal buttons, and the neighbouring dendritic spine
- A lot of info is collected from many sources on a neuron’s dendrite but only a single message can be sent out by the axon over its collaterals & telodendrion
What are the 3 specialized functions of neurons?
1) Sensory neurons (have many types) conduct info from sensory receptors into spinal cord & brain
2) Interneurons (multibranched) associate sensory & motor activity in CNS
3) Motor neurons (distinctively large) carry info from the brain & spinal cord out to the muscles
Describe the different types of sensory neurons:
- Structurally, the simplest type of neuron
- Bipolar neurons–> transmit incoming sensory info from retina’s light receptors to neurons carrying info to the visual centers
- Somatosensory neuron–>
- A little more structurally complex.
- The dendrite connects directly to the axon & cell body sits on one side of the axon
- Bring sensory info from the body to the spinal cord.
Describe the different types of interneurons:
- Also called association cells due to their linking of sensory & motor neurons
- Branch extensively & collect info from many sources
- There are more interneurons in larger brains than smaller ones–> one of the reasons for variation in brain size
- Stellate (star-shaped)–> (Think “Stella from Winx”)
- small, with many dendrites extending around the cell body
-Pyramidal cell–> (“Think Illuminati top of my head”)
-long axon, pyramid cell body & 2 sets of dendrites:
Apical set–>projecting from the cell body’s apex
Basal set–>projecting from the base of the cell body
-They carry info from cortex to rest of brain & spinal cord
Purkinje cell–> (Think “Big tree, small brain”)
- Extremely branched dendrites forming a fan shape
- Carries information from the cerebellum to the brain & spinal cord
Describe motor neurons:
- Extensive dendritic networks, large cell bodies & long axons connecting to muscles
- All efferent neural info must pass through them to reach muscles
- Reside in lower brainstem & spinal cord
How are neuronal networks formed?
1) Input
2) Association
3) Output
- Sensory neurons collect afferent info from the body–> connect to interneurons that process the info–> pass it on to motor neurons–> efferent connections move muscles
- Long-distance projecting neurons are relatively large (e.g somatosensory, pyramidal & motor neurons)
- If they have a large cell body, they have long extensions (carry info to distant parts of NS); small cell body (e.g stellate) have short extensions (local processing)
- Sensory neurons could send info as much as 2 meters or more
- Axons of some pyramidal neurons are even 1 meter long
What is the role of neurons in excitation & inhibition?
- Yes signals are excitatory, no signals are inhibitory
- Each neuron receives thousands of signals per second
- Neurons respond to these signals by summing them
- A neuron whose excitatory inputs exceed its inhibitory inputs sends messages to other neurons
- A neuron whose inhibitory inputs exceed its excitatory inputs, the neuron will not communicate
- A neuronal network can detect sensory info and decide what kind of motor response to make to that info
Describe the experiment with the robot that behaves like a cricket on the basis of neuronal excitation/inhibition:
- Sensory neurons from microphone excite motor neurons at the plus sign–>but input from photoreceptors inhibits them at minus sign
- Excitation inputs are picked up by the microphone–> activate the wheels at the plus sign–> orient toward the cricket’s chirping
- Anthripomimetic robots are being made to mimic human body parts for those with lost limbs
What are 5 types of Glial cells?
- Arise from glial cells, are slow-growing, not often malignant & easy to treat if risen from astrocytes.
- Those arising from germinal cells that grow into glia are more malignant, rapid-growing & recur after treatment
Meningiomas–>(Think “Man Inja Am”)
-Attach to meninges, grow outside the brain & are encapsulated (contained), good recovery after surgery
Metastatic tumour–>(Think “Me too static??”)
-Establish after cells from one region transfer to another, present in multiple locations & symptoms present when they reach the brain. Difficult to treat
Astroglia Astrocytes (star-shaped glia) (Think “Astropolice”)
- Extensions attach to blood vessels & brain’s lining to hold neurons in place
- Provide structural support to CNS
- Provide pathways for nutrients to move between blood vessels & neurons
- Secrete chemicals that keep neurons healthy & help them heal
- They also enhance brain activity by increasing blood flow & fuel supply
- Form scars around injured areas of the brain but acts as a barrier for regrowth of damaged neurons
- Contribute to the blood-brain barrier by attaching their ends to blood vessels & causing them to bind tightly–> preventing toxins from entering the brain through vessel walls
- Many useful drugs (e.g antibiotics) cannot pass through which makes brain infections difficult to treat; medication must be tubed directly to the brain
What are Ependymal cells?
- Fluid-filled cavities on the walls of the ventricles–> produce CSF that fills the ventricles–> flows toward the base of the brain & absorbed through blood vessels (Think “EPCY”)
- The CSF is a source of nutrients for adjacent areas to the ventricles & maintains the brain’s constant temperature
- If passages are blocked, CSF flow becomes restricted–>due to its constant production, blockage leads to pressure buildup–> expanding ventricles
- Hydrocephalus “water brain”–>
- Occurs when ventricles expand in a newborn infant before skull bones are fused, causing swelling
- Severe intellectual impairment & death
- Insert one end of a tube into a blocked ventricle and the other end into a vein to allow CSF to drain to the bloodstream
What are Glial cells?
Glial cells–>
- Greek for “glue” is the NS support cells
- Don’t transmit info themselves but help modulate neuron’s activities by binding them together, providing support, nutrients & protection
- Most types of glial cells are produced throughout one’s life & replication errors lead to brain tumours (uncontrolled growth of new tissue independent of surrounding structures)
- Surgery is effective in treating tumours, chemotherapy less so because of blood-brain barrier blocking chemical inserts while radiation therapy has bad side effects for developing brains
What are Microglia?
- Originate in the blood as opposed to other glial cells that originate in the brain
- An offshoot of the immune system that migrates in the NS & makes up 20% of all glial cells
- Do not enter the brain; they monitor & maintain the health of brain tissue by attacking foreign tissue
- Provide growth factors that support brain cell growth in damaged cells & interact with astrocytes in healing
- Engulf foreign tissue & dead brain cells through phagocytosis–> turn into stuffed, no-longer functioning dark bodies near damaged regions
- Could become harmful if they consume inflamed tissue instead of protecting it
- Alzheimer patients deposit plaques near damaged regions
(Think “Microfat micromanagin”)
Describe oligodendroglia & schewann cells
- Myelin prevents adjacent neurons from short-circuiting which speeds up the transmission of information as opposed to unmyelinated neurons
- Motor neurons & sensory neurons are heavily myelinated
Oligodendroglia–>(Think “Olive branch separated my friends”)
- Myelinate axons in the brain & spinal cord–> send out large, flat branches that separate adjacent axons
- They have few branches compared to astrocytes
Schwan cells–> (Think “chicken nuggets on a necklace right around the corner”)
-Myelinate axons in the PNS–> wrapping around an axon & forming a structure similar to beads on a string
- Both Oligo & Schwan contribute to nutrition & functioning of neurons–> absorbing chemicals that neuron releases & releases chemicals that neurons absorb
- Damage to Oligo & Schwan is consequential
What is the role of glial cells in neuron repair & disease?
- Multiple sclerosis (MS)
- Degenerative NS disorder & common autoimmune disease
- Damage to Oligo that leaves a scar “Sclerosis means scar on neurons in NS pathways
- Leads to impaired information flow–> impaired movement & cognitive function