Chapter 3 Flashcards
Def: matrix
mxn matrix A is a rectangular array with m rows and n columns
Entry in ith row and jth column by aij
Two mxn matrices A and B are equal aij=bij for all 1
Def: matrix addition and scalar multiplication
Scalar multiplication:
Theorem 3.1.1
Mmxn(R) is a vector space with 0=0m,n = [mxn matrix with all 0 entries]
***matrix scalar multiplication and addition satisfy same 10 axioms as ch. 1
Def: transpose
Given AEMmxn(R), the transpose of A is A^TEMmxn(R) given by (A^T)ij=(A)ji
Theorem 3.1.2 (properties of transpose) ««««
1) (A^T)^T = A
2) (A+B)^T = A^T + B^T
3) (cA)^T = cA^T
Def: matrix-vector multiplication
Ax = [v1…vn] [x1…xn]T, proceed as normal
Theorem 3.1.4 (properties of matrix vector multiplication) ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
1) A(x+y) = Ax + Ay
2) c(Ax) = (cA)x = A(cx)
3) (Ax)^T=x^TA^T
Def: matrix multiplication
For an mxn matrix A ans an nxp matrix B
AB = A[b1…bp] = [Ab1…Abp] EMmxp
(AB)ij = Σ(A)ik(B)kj=[dot product of the ith row of A and the jth column of B]
(Roman Catholic)
Theorem 3.1.5 (properties of matrix multiplication)
1) A(B+C) = AB + AC
2) t(AB) = (tA)B = A(tB)
3) A(BC) = (AB)C
4) (AB)^T = B^TA^T (not commutative!)
Def: identity matrix
The nxn identity matrix, denoted by I or In, is the matrix such that (I)ii = 1 for 1
Theorem 3.1.7
AI = A = IA
Def: block matrix
If A is an mxn matrix, then we can write A as the kxl block matrix
A = [A11 … A1l]
[… … …] (this is one matrix)
[Ak1 … Akl]
Aij is a block such that all blocks in the ith row have the same number of rows and all blocks in the jth column have the same number of columns
Def: linear mapping/linear operator
Let V, w be vector spaces
A function L:V->w is called a linear mapping if the following holds:
Given any x,yEV and b,cER
L(bx+cy) = bL(x)+cL(y)
Def: standard matrix
[L] = [Le1 … Len]
Theorem 3.2 smth about functions
Given AEMmxn(R), the function f: Rn->Rm given by f(x) = Ax is a linear map
Theorem 3.2.2
Let L: R^n->R^m be a linear mapping Then L(x) = A(x) for all xER^n, where A=[L]=[Le1 ... L(en)] Ie columns of A are L(ej)s
Theorem 3.2.3
Let Rθ: R^2->R^2 be the rotation of a vector in R^2 about 0 by the angle θ
Rθ preserves addition and scalar multiplication and hence is a linear map
This is bc Rθ doesn’t change length of vectors and angles between vectors
Def: reflection
Let P be a hyperplane (ie (n-1)-plane) in R^n through 0 and with normal vector n
The reflection about P is the function reflp(x) = x-2projn(x) that sends x to its mirror image across P
Theorem 3.2 (refl Lin map)
reflp: R^n -> R^n, given by reflp(x), is a linear mapping
Def: determinant
Given [ab] EM2x2 (R), it’s determinant is
det[ab] = |ab| = ad-bc ER
[cd] |cd|
Only defined for square matrices