Chapter 1 Flashcards
Def: R^n
R^n = {[x1, x2, …, xn] | x1, x2, …, xn ER}
“n-dimensional Euclidean space”
Elements of Rn called “vectors”
Def: vector addition
Let x, y ER^n
x + y = [x1+y1, …, xn+yn] if x=[x1, …, xn] and y=[y1, …, yn]
Def: vector scalar multiplication
Let x ER^n, cER
cx=[cx1, …, cxn] if x=[x1, …, xn]
Def: linear combination
c1v1 + c2v2 + … + ckvk
c1, …, ck ER
v1, …, vL vectors in R^n
Def: Span
Let B = {v1, v2, …, vk} ER^n
Span(B) = {c1v1 + … + ckvk | c1, …, ck ER}
Set Span(B) is SPANNED by B B is a SPANNING SET for Span(B)
Span is all linear combinations
Theorem 1.2.1 (first theorem)
Let v1, …, vk ER^n
Some vector vi, 1= i = k can be written as a linear combination of v1, …, vi-1, vi+1, …, vk iff
Span{v1, …, vk} = span{v1, .., vi-1, vi+1, …, vk}
10 vector axioms
- x+y ER^n
- (x+y)+w = x+(y+w) (associative)
- x+y=y+x (commutative)
- 0ER^n such that x+0=x for all xER^n
- x+(-x) = 0
- cxER^n
- c(dx) = (cd)x
- (c+d)x = cx + dx
- c(x+y) = cx + cy
- 1x = x
Def: linearly dependent/independent
c1v1 + … + ckvk = 0
Linearly dependent: c1, …, ck == 0
Linearly independent: c1, …, ck = 0
Also called the TRIVIAL solution
Def: k-plane or k-flat
Let V = R^n, B = {v1, ..., vk} CR^n If B is linearly independent, and bER^n, P=b+Span(B) So P={b+c1v1+...+ckvk | c1, ..., ck ER} Called a k-dimensional plane of R^n Aka k-plane or k-flat
k=2: plane in R^n
k=n-1: hyperplane in R^n
Theorem 1.2.2 (consequence of first theorem)
A set of vectors {v1, …, vk} in R^n is linearly dependent iff viESpan{v1, …, vi-1, vi+1, …, vk} for some i, 1
Theorem 1.2.3
If a set contains the zero vector, it is linearly dependent
Def: basis
B is a basis for V iff
1) Span(B) = V
2) B is linearly independent
Def: elementary basis vectors
{e1, …, en}
e1 = (1,0,….0)
en = (0,…,1)
They’re called the “standard basis”
Theorem 1.2.4
If B is a basis for V, every vector xEV can be uniquely expressed as a linear combination of the vectors in B
Def: line in R^n
L = {cv + b ER^n | cER} is a line through b in direction of v