Chapter 3 Flashcards
There are 3 main components of attitudes:
cognitive = evaluation affective = feeling behavioural = action
The most powerful moderators of the attitudes relationship
The most powerful moderators of the attitudes relationship are the importance of the attitude, its correspondence to behaviour: predict specific behaviour, its accessibility in memory: more likely to predict behavior, the presence of social pressures in discrepanciesof attitude and behavior: to believe something but not to do by yourself, and whether a person has direct experience with the attitude it predicts behaviour more.
Major Job Attitudes:
- Job satisfaction
- Job involvement
- Psychological Enpowerment
Job satisfaction: a positive feeling about one’s job according to an evaluation of its characteristics.
Job involvement (level of psychological identification with the job, caring for and participation in it and consider their perceived performance level important to self-worth).
Psychological empowerment – it expresses the belief in the level of one’s influence on his work setting, abilities, his work importance and locus of control, competence and autonomy
High levels of both job involvement and psychological empowerment are positively related to
organizational citizenship and job performance. High job involvement is also related to reduced absences and lower resignation rates.
Organisational commitment
=employee’s identification with the company’s goals, remain member of the organisation, corporate culture, strategy, mission, values, vision and willingness to preserve his belonging to the organization. Emotional attatchment is very the gold standard.
New employees more committed and don’t keep your promises makes weaker commitment yourself.
Theoretical models propose that employees who are committed will be less likely to engage in work withdrawal even if they are dissatisfied, because they have a sense of organizational loyalty. On the other hand, employees who are not committed, who feel less loyal to the organization, will tend to show lower levels of attendance at work across the board
Organisational commitment
- Affective
- Continuance
- Normative
Affective – emotional connection with the company and its values
Continuance – perceived financial benefit resulting from staying rather leaving a firm/company
Normative – feeling obliged to stay in a company because of moral/ethical matters
Perceived organisational support (POS)
level of employee’s conviction and belief that the organisation supports him, appreciates his work and cares for his comfort, security, and happiness. Research shows that people perceive their organization as supportive when rewards are deemed fair, when employees have a voice in decisions, and when they see their supervisors as supportive. Leads to higher organizational citizenship behaviour.
Employee engagement
employee’s involvement and enthusiasm for the work he does, satisfaction with it and his commitment to his work. Highly engaged employees have a passion for their work and feel a deep connection to their company; disengaged employees have essentially checked out—putting time but not energy or attention into their work.
Job satisfaction
a positive feeling about a job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. It has many discrete elements (because a team).
Job satisfaction can be measured in two ways:
- Single global rating method (survey participants answer one question: How satisfied are you with your job? Answer with 5-point likert scale.)
- Summary of job facets (makes an employee evaluate each element of a job), possible facets can be salary, communication with co- workers and with supervisor, amount of days off, etc. Respons on standardized scale.
The first, “one-question” method is fast and inexpensive. The second one (summary of job facets) is more accurate, allows the identification of the core problems and makes it easier to create possible solutions. But there is no method that is superior.
What makes employees satisfied with their job?
Half of the employees are happy and the level of satisfaction vary a lot in different facets of the work. Dislike pay and promotion the most. In western culture more satisfaction, because they have more positive emotions and individual happiness. So its not necessary a better job or simply more positive.
Interesting jobs that provide training, variety, independence and control, Interdependence, feedback, social support and interaction with co-workers.
> Most people prefer challenging over easy and various over routine
> Pay has a big role if someone is poor, but if they become at a comfortable level it is not overruling. Money motivates people but nog necessary makes them happy.
In general, most of the time is the nature of job that makes one satisfied with work. However, also personality is an important factor influencing job satisfaction. People who have positive core self-evaluations —who believe in their inner worth and basic competence—are more satisfied with their jobs than those with negative core self-evaluations -> seeking challenging jobs. Once a person achieves a level of payment that allows for him comfortable living, the relationship between pay and job satisfaction does not exist any longer.
There are 4 responses to dissatisfaction:
- Exit
- Voice
- Loyalty
- Neglect
Explain the 4 responses to dissatisfaction
- Exit
- Voice
- Loyalty
- Neglect
- Exit – behaviour indicating the will to leave the organisation, or new position or resigning.
- Voice – results in actively and constructively trying to change dissatisfying conditions (discussing problems)
- Loyalty – waiting passively hoping for situation improvement, speaking up for the organization in the face of external criticism.
- Neglect – doing nothing, letting the conditions worsen, withdrawal behaviour.
Constructive Destrutive
Passive Loyality NEGLECT
Relationships between job satisfaction variables:
- Strong positive relation JS and Job Performance
- Moderate relation JS and OCB
Job satisfaction and job performance > strong positive relation -> more satisfied workers are more productive and effective.
Moderate relation between job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior -> more satisfied workers more probable that they engage in OCB, they reprocicate behaviour. Personality also a role and good mood.