Chapter 3 Flashcards
abyssal zone
zone of ocean depths between 4000 and 6000m
barrier reef
long, ridge-like reef that parallels the mainland and is separated form it by a deep lagoon
bathypelagic zone
zone within the deep ocean that extends form 1000 to 4000m
referring to bottom of bodies of water
biochemical oxygen demand - measure of organic pollution defined as the amount of dissolved oxygen required by microbes, mainly bacteria and fungi to decompose OM in a water sample
warm, well lighted surface of lakes
epipelagic zone
warm well lighted layer of oceans
lowermost part of a river, which is under the influence of the tides and a mix of sea/freshwater
lakes with high nutrient content and high biological productoin
nutrient enhancement of an ecosystem, generally resulting in increased primary production and reduced biodiversity.
flood pulse concept
theory of river ecology identifying periodic flooding as an essential organizer of river ecosystem structure and function
freshwater wetland
swamps and marshes that occupy low lying areas within landscapes and are generally inundated with water for some part of year
fringing reef
coral reef that forms near the shore of an island or continent
large scale circular oceanic current htat moves to the right in N. hemisphere and to the left in S. hemisphere
hadal zone
deepest parts of oceans, below 6000m
hydrological cycle
sun driven cycle of water through biosphere through evap, transpiration, condensation, precip and runoff
deepest layer of lake below epilimnion and thermocline
hyporheic zone
zone below benthic zone of stream; zone of transition between surface, stream-water flow, and groundwater
heterotrophic organism that eats insects
intertidal zone
zone between highest and lowest tides along marine shores
limnetic zone
open lake beyond littoral zone
littoral zone
shallowest waters along a lake or ocean shore; where rooted aquatic plants may grow
mangrove forest
forest of subtropical and tropical marin shores dominated by salt tolerant woody plants
mesopelagic zone
middle depth zones of oceans, extending 200 to 1000m
depth zone b/t epilimnion and hypolimnion characterized by rapid decreases intemp and increases in water density with depth
neritic zone
coastal zone of oceans, extending to margin of continental shelf, where ocean is 200 m
oceanic zone
open ocean beyond continental shelf with water depth generally greater than 200 m
referring to lakes of low nutrient content ,abundant oxygen and low primary production
heterotrophic organism that eats a wide variety of food - animals and plants
referring to marine life zones/organisms above bottom
phreatic zone
region below hyporheic zone of stream; contains groundwater
microscopic photosynthetic organisms that drift with the current in the open sea or lakes
predator that eats fish
riparian zoen
transition between aquatic environment of a river or stream and upland terrestrial environment
-subject to periodic flooding
river continuum concept
model that predicts change in physical structure, dominant organisms, and evosystem processes along length of temperature rivers
river ecosystem synthesis
theory of river ecology, predicting that flow conditions and geologic setting may be of greater significance in determining ecological characteristics than the position of a river section along the course of a river system
salt content of water
salt marsh
marine shore ecosystem dominated by herbaceous vegetation, found along sandy shores form temperate to high lats.
sample median
middle value in a series of measurements or observation
stream order
numerical classification of streams whereby they occur in a stream drainage network
depth zone in a lake or ocean thorugh which temp changes rapidly with depth
movement of deeper ocean water to the surface; occurs most commonly along west coasts of continent and around Antarctica
zonation of species
pattern of separation of species into distinctive vertical habitats or zones
animals that drift in the surface water of oceans/lakes; most are microscopic