Chapter 3 Flashcards
The Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct
APA Ethics Code
Participants are capable of making deliberate decisions about whether to participate in research
Autonomy (Belmont Report)
A report that defined the principles and applications that have guided more detailed regulations and the American Psychological Association Ethics Code
Belmont Report
Keeping information private
Explanation of the purposes of the research that is given to participants following their participation in the research
Misinformation a participant receives during a research investigation
Anonymous questionnaires, surveys, and educational tests
Exempt Research
Fabrication of data
Situations in which behavior can be studied without elaborate deception
Honest experiments
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
The principle that participants in an experiment be informed in advance of all aspects of the research that might influence their decision to participate
Informed Consent
An ethics review committee established to review research proposals. It is composed of scientists, nonscientists, and legal experts
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Principle that all individuals and groups should have fair and equal access to the benefits of research participation as well as potential risks of research participation
Risk of harm to participants are no greater than risks encountered in daily life or in routine physical or psychological tests
Minimal Risk Research
Misrepresenting another’s work as your own
Factors such as psychological or physical harm or loss of confidentiality
Evaluation of the ethical implications of a research procedure by considering the benefits of the research in relation to the potential risks to participants
Risk-benefit analysis
The experimenter describes a situation to participants and then asks them how they would respond to the situation
Imitation of a real world situation