Chapter 3 Flashcards
The complete set of genes of any organism
The genetic material an individual inherits
The observable expression of the genotype, including both body characteristics and behavior
Every aspect of an individual and his or her surroundings other than genes
Molecules of DNA that transmit genetic information
Made up of DNA
Deoxyribonucleic acid
Molecules that carry all the biochemical instructions involved in the formation and functioning of an organism
Sections of chromosomes that are the basic unit of heredity in all living things
Sex Chromosomes
The chromosomes (X & Y) that determine an individual’s gender
A change in a section of DNA
Crossing Over
The process by which sections of DNA switch from one chromosome to the other; crossing over promotes variability among individuals
Regulator Genes
Genes that control the activity of other genes
Two or more different forms of a gene
Dominant Allele
The allele that, if present, gets expressed
Recessive Allele
The allele that is not expressed if a dominant allele is present
Having two of the same allele for a trait
Having two different alleles for a trait
Polygenic Inheritance
Inheritance in which traits are governed by more than one gene
Norm of Reaction
All the phenotypes that can theoretically result from a given genotype in relation to all the environments in which it can survive and develop
A disorder related to a defective recessive gene on chromosome 12 that prevents metabolism of phenylalanine
Behavior Genetics
The science concerned with how variation in behavior and development results from the combination of genetic and environmental factors
Refers to any characteristics or traits that are influenced by heredity
Refers to traits that are affected by a host of environmental factors as well as genetic ones
A statistical estimate of the proportion of the measured variance on a trait among individuals in a given population that is attributable to genetic differences among those individuals
Cells that are specialized for sending and receiving messages between the brain and all parts of the body, as well as within the brain itself