Chapter 3 Flashcards
Chain migration
The migration of people to a specific location, because relatives of members of the same nationality previously migrated there.
The transmission or passage of anything from place to place or person to person.
Net migration from urban to rural areas.
Migration from a location.
The floodplain of a river is the area subject to flooding during s specific number of years based on historical trends.
Forced migration
The migrant has been compelled to move by cultural factors.
Guest workers
Citizens of poor counties who obtain jobs in Western Europe and the Middle East.
Migration to a location.
Internal migration
Permanent movement within the same country.
International migration
Permanent movement from one country to another.
Interregional migration
Movement from one region of a country to another.
Intervening obstacle
An environmental of cultural feature that hinders migration.
Intraregional migration
Movement within one region.
A permanent move to a new location.
Migration transition
Consists of changes in a society comparable to those in the demographic transition.
All types of movements from one place to another.
Net migration
The difference breeds the number of immigrants and the number of emigrants.
Pull factor
A pull factor induces to people to move into a new location.
Push factor
A push factor induces to move out of their present location.
Maximum limits on the number of people who can immigrate to the US from each country during a one year period.
People who have been forced to migrate from their homes and cannot return for fear of persecution because of their race, religion, nationality, membership in a Social group, or political opinion.
Undocumented immigrants
People who enter the US without proper documents.
Voluntary migration
The migrant has chosen to move for economic improvement.
Brain drain
A large scale emigration by talented people.