Chapter 3 Flashcards
Split Custody
Sole or joint custody agreement where each parent has at least once child living with him or her
Shared Custody
Joint custody agreement where the child spends 40% of the time with each parent
Sole Custody
One parent has the legal right and responsibility to care for an make all the decisions for the children
The amount of time and information given to the non-custodial parent, which can range from only having information about the child provided to the child residing with the access parent for long periods of time.
Domestic Contract
Formal written legal agreement signed by marital partners defining the obligations flowing from the marital bond
- Marriage contracts
- Separation agreements
The rights and obligations related to the care and control of a child, which includes legal custody and physical custody
Child Support
Legal obligation of parents to support their children finacially
Common-Law Relationship or Cohabitation
Generally means living together in a conjugal relationship outside of marriage, but legally defined by statute in each jurisdiction
Collaborative Family Law
Dispute-resolution used after a relationship breakdown where parties and lawyers commit to reading reaching a negotiated outcome- agree not to start litigation.
- Must enter into participation agreement (binding)
Best interest of the child
The paramount test for determining child custody and access arrangement in Canada
Dispute-resolution method: independent arbitrator, chosen by the parties, decides the rights and obligations of the parties
Binding: only turn to court to appeal decision of arbitrator
Non-binding: litigation may be pursued if unsatisfied with the out-come
Marriage Breakdown
1) Living separate and apart for 1 year
2) Adultery committed by the other spouse
3) Physical or mental cruelty
Family Law Act- Supreme Court
- Divorce
- Property
- Custody/ Access
- Adoption
- Debts
Family Law Act- Provincial Court
- Guardianship
- Child support
- Parenting arrangement
- Contact with child
- Protection order
- Spousal support
Property Division
- Dealt with in Family Law Act
- BC Supreme Court has jurisdiction to deal with asset division