Chapter 3 Flashcards
Renaissance means
First theory that looked at how we thought
“I think therefor, I exist” is the basis of
Cartesian Doubt
notion that mind and body are fundamentally different
Descartes believed the mind communicated with the body through the
pineal gland
pineal gland became known as
the seat of the soul
most important features of cartesian model:
- central to western psychology
- mind and body are separate
- human body is subject to laws like physical or mechanical
- human mind is subject to GOD
- We can only know our own mind via introspection, and never truly anthers - we can only observe the state of others
Locke suggested we get ideas from two different sources: _________ and _____
senses & reflection
opposed Descartes idea that there are innate principles of the mind
classical use of mentalisim focuses on ________________ as the subject matter of ________________. It was introspective and focused on_______
Decartes was a proponent of _____- which is__________
rationalism: provided premis is correct our ability to use reason is sufficient to provide us with truth- innate ability
For Locke, our understanding is a result of our_________ not our ___________
experience not our reason
Locke said qualities have the power to “_______________in our mind”. Came up with primary and seconday qualities: examples of each
- ideas in our mind
- primary: motion if something is moving, or number, how many of something there are
- seocndary: a feather tickles you but the tickle is not in the feather- only you.
HUme is a proponent of
Define causality and the limits
we can only observe on thing happening after another and develop an idea that when one thing appears we think of another- but this is based on correlation/experience - not connection
Limits us to being unable to understand nature