Chapter 3 + 4 NAV/FORM/INSTR missing Flashcards
When are G-suits required?
G-suits are required for all sorties when planning to exceed 2 Gs during any portion of a sortie. An aircrew flight equipment (AFE)-approved and tethered hook blade knife must be accessible post ejection if the G-suit is not worn.
What is the required taxi interval?
minimum 75 feet when taxiing staggered and 150 feet when in trail
Can you taxi in ice and/or snow conditions?
Yes, but do not taxi if snow or ice is adhering to taxiways or
runways until all portions of the taxi route and runway have been checked for safe operations. Then taxi on centerline, with 300 feet of spacing.
What is joker fuel?
A prebriefed fuel state needed to terminate an event and transition to the next phase of flight.
What is bingo fuel?
A prebriefed fuel state that allows the aircraft to return to the base of intended landing or an alternate, if required, using preplanned recovery parameters and arriving with normal recovery fuel.
What is the definition of normal recovery fuel?
The fuel on initial or at the final approach fix (FAF) at the base of intended landing or alternate, if required. This fuel quantity will be the higher of what is established locally or 200 pounds.
When can you begin your takeoff after preceding traffic?
Preceding aircraft must be airborne or a minimum separation of 3,000 feet should exist.
You are on final turn, and a straight in has reported “2 miles” - can you start your final turn?
Do not begin the final turn after a straight-in has reported at 2 miles unless you have
the straight-in in sight, can make a normal final turn, and can maintain spacing behind the straight-in.
You are on final, behind preceding traffic. Can you land?
Do not cross the runway threshold to land until preceding aircraft are either airborne, clear of the runway, or a minimum separation of 3,000 feet exists when using alternate sides of the runway for similar aircraft. Minimum separation is 6,000 feet when not using alternate sides or when behind a dissimilar aircraft.
What is the minimum separation for tower-controlled flight operations?
Minimum separation is 6,000 feet when conducting a touch-and-go landing behind a full stop.
What is the required spacing at night?
The required spacing at night is 6,000 feet (similar and dissimilar).
If performing an intersection takeoff, what is the required usable runway length?
4,000 feet
What is the crosswind limitations for standing water?
5 knots
What is the crosswind limitation for patchy standing water (ponding)?
10 knots
When should you not use LDG flaps (for wear and tear)?
When crosswinds exceed 10 knots
When should landing flaps be used?
When the landing distance
is greater than or equal to 80 percent of the actual field length.
What is the definition of a low approach?
During low approaches, do not allow the aircraft to touch down.
What is the definition of a restricted low approach?
When a restricted low approach is directed, do not descend below 500 feet above ground level (AGL) or
below the altitude specified by the controller.