Chapter 3 Flashcards
Choral Reading
Readers’ Theater
statement of what students should know and be able to do.
process of gathering data about an area of learning through tests, observations, work samples, etc.
Authentic assessment
Involves using tasks that are typical of the kinds of reading or writing that students perform in school and out (Students select their best writing to include in a portfolio)
Raw score
is the number of correct answers or points earned on a test.
Percentile rank
where a students raw score falls on a scale of 1 to 99. 50th % means student scored better than 50% of students who took the test.
Grade equivalent score
indicates the score that the average student at that grade level achieved.
is a written description of what is expected from students in order for them to meet a certain level of performance.
formative assessment
take place during learning and is used to plan or modify instruction. Students use clickers in class to respond to questions that follow lectures/discussions
summative assessment
Occurs after learning has taken place and summarizes students’ progress at the end of a unit or semester. A unit test given after an in-depth study of the Westward movement
high stakes assessment
a test in which an important decision will be based on the outcome. The CAHSEE (CA High School Exit Exam)
A measure of consistency, which means if the same test were given to the same student multiple times the results would be approximately the same.
the test measures what it says it measures.
Content validity
the skills and strategies tested must be the same as those taught.
concurrent validity
means that an assessment measure correlates with a similar assessment occurring at about the same time.
predictive validity
there is a correlation between the assessment and some future behavior.
Informal Reading Inventory (IRI)
a series of graded selections beginning at the easiest level up to a level where the material has become too difficult.
Independent level
is the level at which a student can read without any assistance. Comprehension is 90% or higher, word recognition is 99% or higher.
instructional level
level at which a student needs a teacher’s help. Comprehension is 75% or higher, word recognition is 95% or higher.
frustration level
is the level at which reading is so difficult that the student cant read it even with help. frustration is reached when either word recognition is 90% or lower, or comprehension is 50% or lower.
Listening capacity
is the highest level of reading material that students can understand with 75% comprehension when it is read to them.
errors in reading; mispronunciations, omissions, insertions, words supplied by the examiner because the student could not read it or asked for the word.
miscue analysis
analyzing miscues in order to determine which cuing systems or combination of cuing systems the student is using: semantic, syntactic, and/or phonic (graphophonic)
running record
is an assessment device in which a student’s oral reading errors are noted and classified in order to determine whether the material is on the appropriate level of difficulty and to see which reading strategies the student is using.
Screening measures
are designed to indicate possible difficulties or problems
is an expected level of performance on a task. scores that can be used to predict later success.
curriculum-based measure (CBM)
brief, standardized assessment of a general outcome in reading, math, or other area.
the standard format is followed: standard set of directions, test items, testing conditions.
False Positive
indicates there is no problem where one exists or predicts that students will do well but the student has difficulty.