Chapter 3 Flashcards
Define drug tolerance.
Drug tolerance is either the decreased effectiveness (or potency) of a drug that results from repeated administrations, or as the necessity of increasing the dose of drug in order to maintain its effectiveness after repeated administrations.
Do all of the drug effects diminish at the same rate?
Not usually. Tolerance grows for different effects at different rates, some quickly, some longer. Better to think of tolerance for each of the drugs effects, rather than the whole drug itself.
What is a synonym for tolerance?
Latin: tachy = accelerated
phylaxis = protection.
Sometimes used to describe an rapidly developing tolerance to a drug effect. (also called Acute tolerance).
What is acute tolerance?
Tolerance to a drug developed over a single administration.
Describe an illustration for drug tolerance.
The drug effect shifted to the left of the drug level in blood. I.e., the effect peaks before the blood level peaks.
Does drug tolerance last forever?
No, tolerance may disappear after the drug has not been taken for a while.
What is cross-tolerance?
When tolerance to one drug diminishes the effect of another drug. Usually seen with members of the same class of drug. E.g., Opioids. It is likely that drugs that cause cross tolerance work with the same mechanisms.
What are the four mechanisms of tolerance?
- Pharmacokinetic Tolerance;
- Pharmacodynamic Tolerance;
- Functional Disturbances;
- Behavioural Tolerance.
What is Pharmacokinetic Tolerance?
(Also called metabolic tolerance or dispositional tolerance) results from an increase in the rate or ability of the body to metabolize a drug, resulting in fewer drug moleules reaching their sites of action.
This is usually caused by an increase in enzyme concentrations that destroy the drug.
This affects all of the drug effects equally, because blood level of the drug is diminished.
What is Pharmacodynamic Tolerance?
Also known as physiological or cellular tolerance. Arises from the body adjusting to the effects of the drug - a result of homeostasis (mainly homeostatic feed back loops). Thermostat example of a feedback loop.
When a drug is taken and alters some aspect of functioning, the body’s response is controlled by a homeostatic mechanism - which will detect the disruption and sends this information to the control center responsible for this function. The control center responds by compensating for the disruption (e.g., the thermostat turning the heat on when it gets too cold).
What happens to pharmacodynamic tolerance over time?
When the drug has been discontinued, the compensatory processes weaken. Some are weakened rapidly, others more slowly. Some weeks to months.
Give an example of pharmacodynamic tolerance.
Upregulation and downregulation of neurotransmitter receptors. If the drug blocks the receptor sites on the postsynaptic plate, the cell may respond by creating more receptor sites. This is an example of upregulation. If the drug was stimulating the receptors, the cell may reduce the amount of receptors, which would be downregulation.
What are functional disturbances as they relate to tolerance?
Tolerance to a drug effect is dependent upon the presence of the symptom. For example, the analgesic effect of morphine will not diminish by much if the rat is not subjected to pain. If pain is present, then tolerance to morphine’s analgesic effect will occur more quickly.
What is behavioural tolerance?
The organisms ability to learn how to decrease the effect of the drug.
What are withdrawal symptoms?
Withdrawal symptoms are physiological changes that occur when the use of a drug is stopped or the dosage is decreased. Families of drugs will often produce similar withdrawal symptoms.
These withdrawal symptoms vary in intensity from drug to drug.
Can be produced much more quickly by giving the antagonist drug. E.g., giving Nalozone to organisms dependent on morphine.