Chapter 3 Flashcards
Solar day
Sunrise to sunrise. Time it takes earth to rotate 365 degrees on its axis. 3.9 minutes off; accounts for extra day in leap year
Diurnal Motion
Movement of sun and the stars. Based on 24 hour solar day
Motion of sun across the sky. Arm is facing north, angles represent time of day
Sidereal Day
Invented by Mayans
Movement of the stars by the difference/shift of stars every night (like Oriens belt)
Created by the tilt the earth has on its axis. (23.5 degrees)
Opposites in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere
Indirect/direct sunlight
Direct= summer Indirect= winter
Summer solstice
June 21
Tilted towards sun; most direct Rays
Winter Solstice
Tilted away from sun; Suns Rays are more indirect
Autumnal Equinox
September 21
Signals arrival of fall
Vernal Equinox
March 21
Signals arrival of spring
Lunar phases
- New moon
- Waxing crescent
- 1st quarter
- Waxing crescent
- Full moon
- Waning gibbous
- 3rd quarter
- Waning crescent
The moon
Brightest object in night sky
27.3 days to get through the moons changes
Location of moon determines what we see
1/2 is always illuminated by sun
The moon shifting/wobbling
Blue moon
2 full moons in a month
When earth, moon, and sub are in alignment in all plains
Reason= shadow
Lunar Eclipse
Sun, earth, moon
Full moon only
Solar eclipse
Rate b/c moon shadow is much smaller than that of earth
Sun, moon, earth
Not safe to look at
Total darkness (200 mi wide)
Perimeter of shadow and some light
We study the moon because..
Holds clues to unlocking the universe because it hasn’t changed much
We may need to inhibit it
May need it’s raw materials
May want to launch from here
The moons size
Smaller mass, smaller gravitational force
GF allows life to exits
Low GF= higher escape speed = faster interspace speeds= quicker arrival times
Continental drift
Crustal plates are adrift on the upper mental and move, collide
Convection rising from heat moves plates. Hot molten interior
Moons Core
Frozen/solid core-> no magnetic field
Liquid portion of planet
Found water on the polls at the bottom of craters in perpetual darkness
To confirm we crashed a probe in a crater (lunar prospector)
Proved there wasn’t water on the moon
Breaking h2o into hydrogen and ice gyn gas to make rocket fuel
Studied rocks/moon soil (regalith)
Earth= no organic material
Moon= organic material
Moon is thin
Earth has well developed atmosphere that insulates us and protects radiation
Solar Day
Sunrise to sunrise
President for Cold War
John f Kennedy 1961
Russia led space race with putting who in space first
Yuri Gagarin and first satellite
First attempt to put something in space by Russia
Fruit flys
Soviets put dog in space.. How’d it die
Stress and overheat
U.s put what in space
Firsts U.S manned space station
Mercury seven
Apollo 1
Preflight failed and burned/killed 3 astronauts
Apollo 11
Neil Armstrong, buzz aldrin(first to step on moon) and Collins flew to
Apollo 12
Went off without hitch
Apollo 13
Major problem
Short circuited
Alan Shepard took golf clubs to moon
Apollo 15
“Lunar rover”
Apollo 16
Use the rover
Apollo 17
Last manned mission to moon
Roman name for moon
Tides of bay of fundy rise to
55 feet
Presence of these chemicals lead to indication of earth and moon are formed at same time in same area
Level of atmospheres in order
Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere Exosphere
Thickest part
Have to throttle down or else Itl burn up
Where weather occurs
Dry, less dense
Where meteors burn up (because of speed and friction)
Where satellites orbit
Ionosphere= charged atoms to use on radios
Northern lights
Cold -> almost absolute zero
Merges with space
Hydrogen and helium that fuel stars
Astronauts work in corporation to fly space craft
Ed white = first to walk in space
Soviet Union
Puts dog in space (dies)
Yuri Gagarian beats us by 3 weeks
First person to orbit earth
Put 1st woman in space= Valentina Tereshkova
Mercury 7
USA 7 people Alan Shepard= first American in space Lands in sea 1st, oldest to orbit = John Glenn
1st attempt at living in space was
Fruit flys
4.6 billion years ago the earth and moon form out of solar nebula. Have to be identical - they aren’t. X
Even though they formed independently, one captured the other as it moved past
Theia moves past earth, strokes it, chunk forms moon. Most popular/accepted because materials in moon mantle and our core matches
Moons orbit is..
Growing outward at 3.8 cm/year
Occurs in hydrosphere. Water level fluctuates up and down.
Bodies involved= earth, moon, sometimes sun
2 high and 2 low in a period of 24 hours
Greatest tides are in
Bay of Fundy
Wind driven tide. Shallow body of contained waiter
-> water @ western end leaves and lowers 6-7 feet
Tidal Bores
River holds ride back, then floods over
Storm Surge
Hurricane. Mixed with wind and tide.
Water rises
Tidal Waves
Movement of tectonic plates
First man on the moon
The ozone layer lies in which layer of the atmosphere
Maria are the remnants of what
Craters on the moon were caused by
2 areas of the moon we see from earth
First person in space
Gaining illumination
Loosing illumination