Chapter 3 Flashcards
The ______ is formed from the eight cranial bones.
What do the cranial bones include?
Single occipital Frontal Sphenoid Ethmoid Paired parietal Temporal
The ______ _________ (2 words) is a single cranial bone that forms the posterior part of the skull and the base of the cranium
Occipital bone
What bones/vertebra does the occipital bone articulate with?
First cervical vertebra (atlas)
What bone on the external surface from an inferior view is completely formed by the occipital bone ?
Foramen magnum
What are the curved and smooth projections that are lateral and anterior to the foramen magnum?
Occipital condyles
The occipital condyles have a movable articulation with the ___________, the first cervical vertebra of the vertebral column
What is the name of the four-sided plate anterior to the foramen magnum?
Pharyngeal tubercle
What is the name of the openings seen from the inferior view of the occipital bone?
Hypoglossal canals
What is the name of another bone seen from the inferior view of the occipital bone?
Jugular notch of the occipital bone
The ________ ________ (2 words) is a single cranial bone that forms the anterior part of the skull, superior to the eyes in the frontal region, and includes the forehead, the roof of the orbits, and part of the nasal cavity.
Frontal bone
What does the frontal bone articulate with?
Parietal bone Sphenoid Lacrimal Nasal Ethmoid Zygomatic Maxillae
The frontal bone’s part of the _____ ______ _____ (3 words) and ______ ______ ______ (3 words) is visible when the bone is viewed from the lateral aspect
Superior temporal line
Inferior temporal line
What bone forms the superior wall or orbital roof of the frontal bone?
Orbital plate
What are the curved elevations over the superior part of the orbit, subjacent to the eyebrows?
Supraorbital ridges
Where is the supraorbital notch located?
Medial part of the supraorbital ridge and is where the supraorbital artery and nerve travel from the orbit to the forehead
What is the smooth elevated area between the eyebrows between the supraorbital ridges call?
What is the name of the bone of prominence of the forehead?
Frontal eminence
What is the projection lateral to the orbit?
Zygomatic process of the frontal bone
From the inferior view of the frontal bone, each _____ ______ (2 words) is visible
Lacrimal fossa
What does the lacrimal fossa contain?
Lacrimal gland, which produces lacrimal fluid (tears)
The ______ _____ (2 words) each have four borders and are shaped like a curved plate.
Parietal bones
The parietal bones are paired cranial bones that articulate with each other at what structure?
Sagittal suture
The parietal bones articulate with the occipital bone at what structure?
Lambdoidal sutures
The ______ _________ (2 words) are paired cranial bones that form the lateral walls of the skull in the temporal region and part of the base of the skull in the auricular region.
Temporal bones
What do the temporal bones articulate with?
One zygomatic One parietal Occipital Sphenoid Mandible
Name the four parts that make up the temporal bone.
Mastoid process
What does the squamos part of the temporal bone form?
- Zygomatic process of the temporal bone, which then forms part of the zygomatic arch
- Cranial part of the temporomandibular joint
What is located on the inferior surface of the zygomatic process of the temporal bone?
Articular fossa
Anterior to the articular fossa is the _____ ______ (2 words), and posterior is the _____ _____ (2 words)
Articular eminence
Postglenoid process
The tympanic part of the temporal bone forms most of the ___ ____ ______ (3 words), a short canal leading to the tympanic cavity, located posterior to the articular fossa.
External acoustic meatus
What does petrous mean?
Resembling stone in hardness
What is the name of the fissure that separates the tympanic part from the petrosal part?
Petrotympanic fissure, chorda tympani nerve emerges from here.
What is the name of the large roughened projection on the inferior aspect of the petrous part of the temporal bone?
Mastoid process
What is the bone medial to the mastoid process?
Mastoid notch
What is the long, pointed bony projection that is inferior and medial to the external acoustic meatus?
Styloid process
The ______ _______ (2 words) is named for its location between the styloid process and the mastoid process
Stylomastoid foramen
The large circular aperture of the _____ ______ (2 words) ascents at first vertically, then, making a bend, runs horizontally forward and medial ward.
Carotid canal
What is the lateral part of the two bones that form the jugular foramen?
Jugular notch of the temporal bone
What is the name of the bone that consists of a body and its processes?
Sphenoid bone
What does the sphenoid bone articulate with?
Frontal Parietal Ethmoid Temporal Zygomatic Maxillae Palatine Vomer Occipital bones
What does the body of the sphenoid bone contain?
Paranasal sinuses
Sphenoidal sinuses
What is the name of the anterior process of the sphenoid bone?
Lesser wing
What is the name of the posterolateral process of the sphenoid bone?
Greater wing
Inferior to the greater wing of the sphenoid bone is the ______ ______ (2 words)
Pterygoid process
What does the pterygoid process consist of?
Lateral pterygoid plate
Medial pterygoid plate
What is the pterygoid (hamulus)?
Thin curved process, inferior termination of the medial pterygoid plate
What bone is between the pterygoid process and the maxillary tuberosity?
Pterygopalatine fossa
The most anterior curved and slitlike opening, the ____ ______ _____ (3 words), transmits the opthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve, the abducens, trochlear, and oculomotor nerves.
Superior orbital fissure
What is the name of the smaller round opening that transmits the maxillary nerve or division of the trigeminal nerve.
Foramen rotundum
What is the name of the larger oval opening that transmits the mandibular nerve or division of the trigeminal nerve?
Foramel ovale
The orbital surface of the greater wing creates the posterior part of the ______ _______ __ __ _______ (5 words)
Lateral wall of the orbit
The lesser wing forms the base of the ____ _____ ( 2 words), the deepest part of the orbit.
Orbital apex
What is the round opening in the orbital apex which lies between the two roots of the lesser wing?
Optic canal
The ____ _____ (2 words) is located anterior to the sphenoid in the anterior part of the cranium.
Ethmoid bone.
What does the ethmoid bone articulate with?
Frontal Sphenoid Lacrimal Maxilla Adjoins the vomer at its inferior and posterior borders
A vertical midline continuation of the perpendicular plate superiorly into the cranial cavity is the wedge-shaped ______ ______ (2 words)
Crista galli
The ____ ______ (2 words), visible from the inside of the cranial cavity and present on the superior aspect of the bone and surrounding the crista galli, is perforated by foramina to allow the passage of olfactory nerves for the sense of smell.
Cribiform plate
What do the lateral parts of the ethmoid bone form?
Superior nasal conchae
Middle nasal conchae
Orbital plates
What forms the medial orbital wall?
Orbital plate of the ethmoid bone.