chapter 3 Flashcards
The study of how nerves and cells send and receive info from the brain, body and spinal cord
everything psychlogical is biological
cerebral cortex
The top of the brain - wrinkly region
whats below is the subcortex
humans have a highly develop cerebral cortex
It is eolutinarly young and gives cognitive skills and ability to experience complex emotions
The cerebral cortex surround inner evolutianrly old parts - the older parts sned and receive connections from all organs, regultaing mental and bodily functions needed for survival
the cells that makeup the brain
contain genes which infleunce how our brains are similar and diff
brain is product of both genes and envirnment
genes give the brain the abiilty to adapt to envirnment and learn from epxiernces
Nervous system
A network of neurons that run throughout your brain and body
Nerves - collection of neruons - carry signals toa nd from the brain, relating perceptions, thoughts and feelings into actions
Motor neurons: Send meesages to the whole body, enabling you to interct with the envirnment
Sensory neurons: these neerves send status report back to brain - cary info from within the body and the outside world to the brain
Interneurons: connecting other neruons - interpret, store and retrieve info abt the world allowing you to make informed decisons before you act - most brain resoruces are devoted to processing sensory data it receives and using the data to plan and execute future actions
Spinal cord
bundle of nerves that connects the body to the brain - encased in bone known as spine
central nervous sytem
CNS exchanges info between teh brain and body - made of the brain and spinal cord
Periphral nervous system
composed of sensory and motor nerves that travel in the whole body
Somatic nervous sytem
PNS seperated into this system whcih allows you to feel external sensations
voluntary comands - controls the conscious body movements
includes skeltal muscles
Autonomic nervous system
PNS also dived into this whch allows you to feel internal sensations
involunayr commands - maintains operations inside the body like heartbeat
includes organs, blood vessles and glands
sympathetic and parasympatheic
autonomic nervous sytems splits into this
sympatheic nervous system acts on blood vessels, organs and glands in a way that prepares the body for action in life thretain situations
parasympatheic acts on blood vessels, organs and glands in a way that returns the body to a resting state by both counteracting adn complementing the actions of sympethic system
endocrine system
network of glands that release hormones
coordinates hormone release with CNS and PNS allwing signal exchange from your brain to your body and back again
reaches crooks and crannies of body even though slower than nervous system
adrenal glands
on kidneys
role in flight or fight
activated by sympatheic branch of autonmic system duirng stress
release adrenaline and cortisol which boost energy and icnrease heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar
interestion of CNS and encodrine system happens here
plays imprtant role in governing many survival related behaviours lke eating, drinking and having sex
these all give pleasure which links psycholgical needs and wants to behaviours body needs
pituitary galnd
under hypothalmus
master endocrine gland - oval shaped cluster
sends messages to regulate other endocrine glands, modulate hunger, sexual arousal and via the pineal gland, sleep
communicates with male and female sex glands to produce sex hormones
releases oxytocin