Chapter 3 Flashcards
Color-blind Ideology
concept that there is ‘sameness’ between racial/ethnic groups despite inequalities past and present
unequal treatment of different categories of people
shared cultural heritage/nationality
False Equivalency
a logical fallacy where there is supposedly an equivalence between opposing arguments simply because they share a logical comparison
system of organizing/ranking people/groups
Institutional Prejudice
biases built into societal institutions
an outlook towards a person/group that is based on status or being a part of a certain group
a claim presented as science that lacks an actual scientific accuracy or evidence
socially constructed category of people that share certain physical characteristics
Racialization of the State
Implementation of policies that discriminate against minorities while providing whites with advantages
belief that one race is superior to another; systematic and institutional discriminatory practices
Reverse Racism
perceived belief that racism goes both ways
Thomas Theorem
situations that are defined as real are real in their consequences
Monolithic Groups
when everyone in the group is the same, with the same experiences, problems, and goals
Intersectionality Theory
intersection of various aspects of inequality, all of which come together to form one’s social position (race, gender, class, etc)
can be privileged in some ways and not in others
Collective Identity
connection with a broader community, perception of shared status