Chapter 1 Flashcards
what people assume to be true
birthplace of hip hop
DJ Kool Herc’s Back to School Jam (8/13/1973)
Claims Making
the process of convincing the public that something should be categorized as a social problem
the expectation that cooperating with police/authorities/those not in the community will have negative outcomes
Conflict Theory
The perspective that evaluates society as an arena of inequality that leads to social conflict and change
Cultural Transmission
the passing on of knowledge, traditions, attitudes, and values
a way of life that involves values, beliefs, and behaviors
consequences of social processes that are considered undesirable for the operation of society
4 pillars of Hip Hop
DJ, B-Boy (break dancing), MC (rap), Graffiti
the combination of symbols that enables communication
Latent Function
unintended consequences of a social process
Manifest Function
intended/anticipated consequences of a social process
Pop Culture
widespread patterns across a society
musical element of hip hop, lyrics/speaking over a beat
Reflection Theory
culture is mirror of society, reflecting its beliefs, values, and structures
Sapir Whorf Hypothesis
thoughts and behaviors are influenced by the language(s) we speak
Social Facts
cultural rules that govern social life and serve functions in society (laws, morals, values, religion, etc)
Social Movement
organized claims making that tries to shape how people think about issues for the purpose of creating social change
Social Problem
something undermining the well being of some/all members of society, many public controversies
Sociological Imagination
way of viewing society that analyzes the connection between personal life and the social/historical context we live in
study of relationship between individuals and society
Structural Functionalist Perspective
macro perspective viewing society as a complex system of interrelated/interdependent parts that work together to create stability
culture within a larger society, something that carries a particular meaning for those who share a culture, attractive for commodification
Symbolic Interactionist Perspective
micro perspective looking at day-to-day interaction and the use of languages, words, symbols and their impact in creating/maintaining social reality
social agreements about what is right/wrong, good/bad
Cultural Objects
things sociologists study, shared significance embodied in form
Granfather of Rap
Cab Calloway