Chapter 3 Flashcards
Why is there difficulty of specifying ignorance priors in multi-parameter problems?(1)
Using uniform or improper priors then the prior for g(theta) is not constant so we are not truly ignorant. Same applies for multiparamter problems.
Suppose we represent prior ignorance about θ = (θ1, θ2, . . . , θp)^T using π(θ) = constant. Let φi = gi (θ), i = 1, . . . , p and φ = (φ1, . . . , φp)^T be a 1–1 transformation. Then, in
general, the prior density for φ is not constant and this suggests that we are not ignorant about φ. However, if we are ignorant about θ then we must also be ignorant about g(θ).
Determining posterior for large n.(2)
θ|x ∼ Np(θˆ, J(θˆ)^−1) approximately. J(θ) is the observed information matrix, with (i, j) th element Jij = −∂^2/∂θi∂θj(log(f x|θ))
Explain the similarities and differences between the asymptotic posterior distribution
and the asymptotic distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator.(2)
This limiting result is similar to one for the maximum likelihood estimator in Frequentist Statistics:
I(θ)^1/2(θˆ− θ)D−→ Np(0, Ip) as n → ∞,
where I(θ) = EX|θ[J(θ)] is Fisher’s information matrix. Note that this statement about the distribution of θˆ for fixed (unknown) θ, whereas the results above is a
statement about the distribution of θ for fixed (known) θˆ
Asymptotic posterior distribution.(1)
Suppose we have a statistical model for data with likelihood function f (x|θ), where
x = (x1, x2, . . . , xn)^T and θ = (θ1, θ2, . . . , θp)^T
, together with a prior distribution withdensity π(θ) for θ. Then J(θˆ)^1/2*(θ − θˆ)|xD−→ Np(0, Ip) as n → ∞,
Covariance calculation between parameters.(1)
Covariance/sd of one*sd of other.