Chapter 2 Flashcards
Random sample from a normal distribution in which both the mean μ and the precision τ are unknown, that is, Xi|μ,τ ∼N(μ,1/τ), i = 1,2,…,n (independent), with NGa(b,c,g,h) what posterior do you obtain (define any parameters)/
Get NGa(B,C,G,H) B=(bc+n*xbar)/c+n C=c+n G=g+n/2 H=h+ns^2/2+(xbar-b)^2*cn/[2*(c+n)] Note NGa is conjugate and E(μ|x) > E(μ) ⇐⇒ ̄x > b.
Define the marginal distributions for mu, tau and sigma (both prior and posterior).(6)
The prior (μ τ)∼NGa(b,c,g,h) has marginal distributions •μ ∼t2g(b, h/gc) •τ ∼Ga(g,h), Also σ = 1/√τ∼Inv-Chi(g,h). Similarly, The posterior (μ τ)∼NGa(B,C,G,H) has marginal distributions •μ ∼t2G(B, H/GC) •τ ∼Ga(G,H), Also σ = 1/√τ∼Inv-Chi(G,H).
Is the t distribution symmetric about 0?
Yes, equitailed HDI can therefore be obtained, therefore can obtain for mean but tau and sigma cannot as they are not symmetric.
HDI formula for mu in multiparameter.(1)
(B −t2G;α/2√ H/GC, B + t2G;α/2√ H/GC).
Predictive distribution for multi-parameter?
Same as univariate case using density or candidates formula (conjugate analysis only).
How would you determine the predictive distribution from a Normal with NGa? What about the HDI?
we know Y is a random value from the population Y |µ, τ ∼ N(µ, 1/τ). We also know that the posterior distribution is (µ, τ)^T|x ∼ NGa(B,C, G, H).
Therefore, we can write Y = µ + ε,
where ε|τ ∼ N(0, 1/τ) and µ|x, τ ∼ N(B, 1/Cτ).
Hence Y is the sum of two independent normal random quantities, and so
Y|x, τ ∼ N(B, 1/τ+1/Cτ)≡ N(B, (C + 1)/Cτ ).
Thus using prior results we get:
Y |x ∼t2G{B, H(C + 1)/(GC)} as the final dist
(B−t2G;α/2sqrt{H(C + 1)/GC} , B+t2G;α/2sqrt{H(C + 1)/GC)}