Chapter 3 Flashcards
What is a colony?
A region claimed and governed by another country.
What did the French want from their colony?
Resources/ Beaver Fur
What did the British want from their colony?
Land for farming.
How did the French treat the FN?
They had a good relationship because they needed to trade with them.
How did the British treat the FN?
They thought they were obstacles because they got in their way in getting land.
How did epidemics affect the FN?
Many of them died of small pox brought over by the Europeans.
How did religion affect the FN?
The French forced them to convert to Catholicism or else the FN couldn’t trade.
How did war affect the FN?
Many of them died because they allied with the Europeans or fought to keep their land.
In New France, who were the habitants?
Farmers who worked for the seigneurs.
In New France, who were the seigneurs?
Land owners who employed habitants to work on their land.
In New France, who was in the Sovereign Council?
The Governor, Intendant, and Bishop.
What was the role of the Governor?
Military and defense.
What was the role of the Intendant?
Law, order, and basic needs.
What was the role of the Catholic Church/Bishop?
Establishing schools, hospitals, and orphanages, and spiritual guidance.
Who were merchants? (know at least 2)
Bakers, shoemakers, blacksmiths, and masons.
Who were “coureurs de bois”?
Illegal fur traders also called “Runners of the wood”
What did European countries want through their colonies?
More resources, land, riches, and power
What is mercantilism?
Taking resources from a colony to make money for your country.
What is a monopoly?
Complete control over a certain resource or land.
The King gave permission for merchants to create monopolies by creating a contract called a…
The two major British colonies were called…
The Thirteen Colonies and Rupert’s Land
The French colony was called…
New France