Chapter 3 Flashcards
adoption studies
In genetics research, the study of first-degree relatives in different families and environments. If they share common characteristics, such as a disorder, this finding suggests that those characteristics have a genetic component.
analog model
Approach to research that employs subjects who are similar to clinical clients, allowing replication of a clinical problem under controlled conditions.
association studies
Research strategy for comparing genetic markers in groups of people with and without a particular disorder.
Measured rate of a behavior before introduction of an intervention that allows comparison and assessment of the effects of the intervention.
behavioral assessment
Measuring, observing, and systematically evaluating (rather than inferring) the client’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior in the actual problem situation or context.
case study method
Research procedure in which a single person or small group os studied in detail. The method does not allow conclusions about the cause-and-effect relationships, and findings can be generalized only with great caution (contrast with single-case experimental design).
classical categorical approach
classification method founded on the assumption of clear-cut differences among disorders, each with a different known cause. Also known as pure categorical approach.
Assignment of objects or people to categories on the basis of shared characteristics.
clinical assessment
Systematic evaluation and measurement of psychological, biological, and social factors in a person presenting with a possible psychological disorder.
clinical significance
Degree to which research findings have useful and meaningful applications to real problems
participants in each age group of a study with a cross-sectional design
cohort effect
observation that people of different age groups differ in their values and experiences
presence of two or more disorders in an individual at the same time.
comparative treatment research
outcome research that contrasts two or more treatment methods to determine which is more effective.
Any factor occurring in a study that makes the results uninterpretable because its effects cannot be separated from those of the variables being studied.
confounding variable
variable in a research study that was not part of the intended design and that may contribute to changes in the dependent variable.
control group
Group individuals in a study who are similar to the experimental subjects in every way but are not exposed to the treatment received by the experimental group. Their presence allows for a comparison of the differential effects of the treatment.
Degree to which two variables are associated. In a positive correlation, the two variables increase or decrease together. In a negative correlation, one variable decreases as the other increases.
correlation coefficient
Computed statistic reflecting the strength and direction of any association between two variables. It can range from 21.00 through 0.00 (indicating no association) to 11.00, with the absolute value indicating the strength and the sign reflecting the direction.
cross-generational effect
Limit on the generalizability of longitudinal research because the group under study may differ from others in culture and experience.
cross-sectional design
methodology to examine a characteristic by comparing individuals of different ages (contrast with longitudinal design.)
dependent variable
In an experimental study, the phenomenon that is measured and expected to be influenced (compare with independent variable).
process of determining whether a presenting problem meets the established criteria for a specific psychological disorder
dimensional approach
method of categorizing characteristics on a continuum rather than on a binary, either-or, all-or-none basis.
Possibility that when two variables, A and B, are correlated variable A causes variable B or variable B causes variable A.
double-blind control
Procedure in outcome research that prevents bias by ensuring that neither the subjects not the providers of the experimental treatment know who is receiving treatment and who is receiving a placebo.
effect size
A statistical process that eliminates how large a change in measure occurred. Often used before and after a clinical treatment to determine its relative success.
electroencephalogram (EEG)
Measure of electrical activity patterns in the brain, taken through electrodes placed on the scalp.
psychopathology research method examining the prevalence, distribution, and consequences of disorders in populations.
Research method that can establish causation by manipulating the variables in question and controlling for alternative explanations of any observed effects.
external validity
extent to which research findings generalize, or apply, to the people and settings not involved in the study.