Chapter 3 Flashcards
The commercial automobile exposure section 1 insuring owned automobiles
They may be insured under private insurers compulsory government insurance plans or other
Ensuring and automobiles SPF number one owners form
Types of automobiles insured include automobiles of the private passenger type, commercial vehicles trucks and delivery automobiles which are subject to regulation including provincial regulation and federal regulation. Public automobiles buses and taxi cabs
The financial responsibility laws in all common-law provinces require that a minimum limit of 200,000 third-party liability coverage be purchased on each automobile of the private passenger type.Accident benefits is also a compulsory coverage in all provinces coverage is provided for the following; reimbursement of reasonable medical expenses, rehabilitation cost, funeral expenses, death benefit, loss of income.
Physical damage Coverage options available to insurance include all perils, collision or upset, comprehensive, specified perils,
SES number 44 family protection endorsement
This endorsement provides coverage for injury or death when caused by an insured motorist or an uninsured motorist
SES number 5C permission to rent or lease endorsement
Extend the policy coverage is to leasers when insured automobiles are rented or at least to unspecified this is for periods not in excess of three consecutive days
SEF number five permission to rent or lease endorsement
Provides permission for the lease or to rent or lease automobiles on a long-term basis to specify this is where a separate SPF number one owners form is issued to each leesee
All endorsements included in the excluded uses
SEF number 5C permission to rent or lease endorsement, SPS number eight standard lessors contingent automobile policy,
SEF number 5D conversion coverage endorsement. SEF number 27 legal liability for damage to non-owned automobiles endorsement. SCF number 94 legal liability for damage to hired automobiles endorsement. SEF number for a permission to carry explosives endorsement. SEF number 4B permission to carry radioactive material endorsement.
Rented or leased automobiles Leeses exposures in short term
When rented in the name of an individual ( or in the name of a business ) coverage can be purchased from the lessor or by endorsement.
For endorsement to apply for following limitations will apply
Coverage restricted to insured and spouse, coverage is for the same perils as our insured under the SPF number one owners form, no more than one automobile may be rented or lease by insurance or their spouses at any one time.
Excluded uses
There are a shit ton of endorsements for each exclusion idek
- The automobile is rented or at least to another provided that the use by an employee of his automobile on the business of his employer and for which he is Paige still not be deemed the renting or leasing of the automobile to another.
- The automobile is used to carry exposes or to carry radioactive material for research education development or industrial purposes or for purposes incidental there to
- Automobiles used as a taxi cab public Omni bus livery jitney or sightseeing convenience or for carrying passengers for compensation or hire.
Miscellaneous endorsements
SEF number 30 excluding operation of attached machinery endorsement. SEF number 31 non-owned equipment endorsement.
Underwriting commercial automobile insurance
The majority of automobile insurance is written on a scheduled basis but also can be written on a fleet basis. When the SES number 21B blanket basis fleet endorsement is attached to the SPF number one owners form all vehicles owned or leased by the insured are covered by the policy.
SPF no 6 standard non owned automobile policy
Insured The third-party liability exposures of business owners arising from the use or operation of any automobile not owned in whole or in part by or license in the name of the insured
Automobiles covered under the nonowned automobile policy
One owned by an employee hired automobile or operated under contract for the insured
Persons covered include the insured such additional insured person any persons residing in the same dwelling premises as the insured or such additional insured person
SPF number for standard garage automobile policy
Types of garage risks include automobile dealers repair garages service stations storage garages parking lots
Garage risks excluded by other liability policies
Policy coverage is do not extend to ensure bodily injury or property damage arising out of the ownership use or operation by or on behalf of any insured of any automobile and coverage for personal property in the care custody or control of the insured is excluded
Third-party liability for number four standard garage automobile policy
Is provided for owned automobiles and non-owned automobiles.
Exclusions are loss or damage to property carried in or upon an automobile owned or driven by any person insured by the section or loss or damage to any customers automobile.
Rating third-party liability coverages
Oh and automobiles rating is based on the insured’s payroll or staff units depending on the insurer.
Customers automobiles, insurers will need information regarding customers automobiles as to the type of vehicle and value of vehicles some insurers need to know if vehicles are picked up and delivered and if there is road testing or not.
Additional coverage endorsements
SCF number 40 for family protection endorsement it provides additional benefits to the name insured and others insured persons who have a claim for injuries or death against another motorist who does not have enough insurance to pay the claim or is uninsured
Accident benefits under garage automobile policy
Accident benefits are paid without regard to fault, coverages include medical rehabilitation and funeral, expenses, death benefits and loss of income, payments.
Loss or damage to owned automobiles
For coverage options available, collision or upset, comprehensive, specified perils, specified perils excluding theft.
Uninsured motorist coverage
The maximum amount payable is the minimum statutory limits in the jurisdiction where the accident occurs, coverage is available only have such other party would have been legally liable for the accident.
Legal liability for damage to a customers automobiles well in the car custody control of the insured
This includes instances where automobiles are parked on the light awaiting servicing, during servicing, located inside the garage awaiting servicing. Garage must be legally liable before payment made under policy.
Exclusions include any content of Automobiles or trailers
SEF number 77 legal liability for comprehensive damage to customers automobiles endorsement
Coverage is provided against boss from any peril other than by collision or buy upset
Miscellaneous endorsement of the garage
SEF number 71 excluding and automobiles, SEF number 76 additional insured endorsement.