Chapter 29 Flashcards
Lower than normal hemoglobin and fewer than normal circulating erythrocytes is known as?
**this is a sign if an underlying disorder
_____ is a defect in production of RBCs.
*Caused by trauma, bleeding ulcers, GI bleeding, liver disease, or ruptured aneurysm
Hypoproliferative anemia
____ is excess destruction of RBCs.
**Caused by altered erythropoiesis, hypersplenism, drug-induced, autoimmune processes, mechanical heart valves, sickle cell
Hemolytic anemia
_____ is a protein in red blood cells that helps carry oxygen throughout the body.
What are some clinical manifestations of anemia?
fatigue, jaundice, SOB, dyspnea, tachycardia, chest pain, tongue (beefy red) and nail changes (brittle), PICA, angular cheilosis, forgetfulness, paresthesia, extremity numbness, memory loss
What diagnostic tests can be used to diagnose anemia?
RBC indices
iron studies
vitamin b12
erythropoietin levels
bone marrow aspiration
What assessments should the nurse complete in a patient with anemia?
Health hx
nutritional assessment
cardiac and GI assessments
assess blood loss (period, GI)
neuro assessment
Medical management of a patient with anemia:
Correct or control the ____
_____ of packed RBC
treatment ____ to type of anemia
_____ therapy
____ or vitamin supplements
What are some collaborative problems and potential complications for a patient with anemia?
heart failure
injury related to falls
depressed mood
____ ____ are more likely to develop depressed mood, confusion, or experience falls with injury.
older adults
Patients with underlying ____ ____ are more likely to develop cardiac complications.
heart disease
Major treatment goals for a patient with anemia include:
- decreased ____
- ______ nutrition
- maintain of adequate ___ perfusion
- adherence to ____ plan
- ______ of complications
What is the MOST common symptom associated with anemia?
**encourage balance to rest and activity
What type of food should be encouraged in a patient with anemia?
Iron rich foods and limit alcohol
What is the most common type of anemia in ALL age groups?
Iron deficiency
What type of anemia occurs in chronic renal failure?
Anemia in renal disease
What type of anemia is common during cancer treatment, chronic infections, and autoimmune diseases?
Anemia of inflammation
What type of anemia is caused by bone marrow suppression?
Aplastic anemia
What type of anemia is caused by folic acid and vitamin B12 deficiency that leads to abnormally large erythrocytes?
megaloblastic anemia
We should assume the cause of iron deficiency anemia is bleeding until proven otherwise.
What are some clinical manifestations of iron deficiency anemia?
dizziness, fatigue, weakness, pallor, dyspnea on exertion, swollen beefy red tongue, brittle nails
What is the definitive diagnosis for iron deficiency anemia?
Bone marrow aspiration
What is the mainstay treatment of iron deficiency anemia?
Oral iron supplements
what can inhibit the absorption of iron supplements?
Coffee, tea, soda, dairy products, and antacids
What drugs are associated with causing iron deficiency anemia due to GI bleeding?
NSAIDS, steroids, alcohol
What drugs are associated with causing iron deficiency anemia due to malabsorption of iron?
PPIs (Prilosec), H2 receptor blockers (Pepsid), antacids (tums, pepto)
Why does anemia in renal disease occur in patients with kidney failure?
Because kidneys produce EPO
What are S/S of anemia in renal disease?
- reduced O2 utilization
-decreased cognitive function
-impaired memory
-reduced immune response
-decreased libido
What are S/S of megaloblastic anemia?
-neurological issues
What population is vitamin b12 deficiency common among?
What is the most common symptom of vitamin b12 deficiency?
neurological problems/disorders
What are some causes of a folic acid deficiency?
Alcoholism, oral contraceptives, meds that act as a folic acid antagonist, low dietary intake, old age, pregnancy
___ ____ conditions are when the erythrocytes have shortened lifespan, therefore their number in circulation is reduced.
hemolytic anemias
What will be released into systemic circulation in a patient with hemolytic anemia?
reticulocytes (immature RBCs)
What are the different types of hemolytic anemias?
-sickle cell disease
-glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
___ ___ ____ is an inherited condition that results in oddly shaped erythrocytes that can adhere to the wall of small vessels causing a thrombus and tissue ischemia.
*More common among African Americans
sickle cell disease
What is the inherited gene that causes sickle cell disease?
HbS gene
Sickle-shaped cells has a ____ lifespan, resulting in anemia.
What assessments should be done on a patient with sickle cell disease?
health hx
physical exam
pain assessment
sickle cell crisis assessment
blood loss (period, GI)
Cardiovascular assessment
neuro assessment
Symptoms will vary in sickle cell disease based on the amount of ___ ____.
HbS gene