Chapter 28: CNS Flashcards
What is selective vulnerability?
The fact that different neurons posses different fucntions, protein, environments etc which makes them vulnerable to different pathogenic mechanisms.
What is gliosis?
Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of astrocytes. Nucleus changes from pale, to big with distinct nucleoli. Becomes gemistocytic astrocytes.
How does microglia respond to injury?
1) proliferate
2) developing elongatedd nuclei
3) formin aggregates around small areas of necrosis
4) congregating around cell bodies of dying neurons
Two major categories of cerebravascular diseases:
1) Ischemic
2) Hemorrhagic
What is global cerebral ischemia?
Reduced blood flow to the entire brain as a product of hypotension, shock or cardiac arrest.
What is focal cerebral ischemia?
reducedd blood flow to a localized area. Can be through:
1) embolism most often from heart
2) Thrombotic occlusions
3) inflammatory processes may give lumen narrowing
Different forms of prion proteins:
1) PRPc = the normal form
2) PRPsc ) th abnormal beta sheeted form
What is the pathological background of MS?
Immune response targeting components of the myelin sheath. Mainly:
1) Th1 which secretes IFN-gamma and recruits macrophages
2) Th17 which recruits leukocytes
Damage down to leukocytes (mainly t-cells CD4 (also CD8 but not as many) and macrophages)
What does sclerosis mean?
Neuromyelitis optica - bilateral optic neuritis and spinal cord demyelination. Antibodies against aquaporin 4 - the major aquaporin in astrocytes - leading to astrocyte injury.
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
After infections myelin is removed up to 20 % die rest full recovery.
What is an neurodegenerative disease?
Characterized by loss of neurons. Most commonly characterized by presence of protein aggregates.
Frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Focal degeneration of frontal or temporal lobes. Has tau or TDP43 (a RNA binding protein) cellular inclusions.
What is the cause of parkinson?
Loss of dopaminergic neurons from the substansia nigra leading to dysfuntion in the extrapyrimidal circuitry.
Genes invloved in PD:
1) alpha-synuclein - lipid binding protein in the synapses.
2) mitochondrial dysfuntion - parkin, pink-1 and DJ-1. DJ-1 = transcription factor that localises to Mitochondria in ox. stress. Pink-1(kinase)+parkin (E3) degrades dysfuntional mitochondria.