Chapter 28 Flashcards
Great Migration
During World War One, large numbers of African Americans began leaving the south to take jobs in Northern factories.
People who are opposed of organized government
A motion picture with sound
Red scare
A time where there was a fear of communist or reds
Marcus Garvey
A person who encouraged Planck people around the world to express their pride in there culture.
Langston Hughes
A Harlem Renaissance wrote poems, plays, and novels about American life.
Herbert Hoover
The president of the US who was elected in 1928.
Kellogg Briand Act
In 1928, the US and 14 other states other nations signed this act, an agreement that outlawed war.
Young women who cut their hair short and wore makeup and challenged ideas of how women were supposed to be.
Georgia o Keefe
An artist who painted flowers and the south west
Harlem renaissance
African americans came to harlem and started a period of artistic accomplishment
Moving assembled line
Used conveyer belts to move parts and partly assembled cars from one group of workers to another
Langston Hughes
A Harlem rennisainse writer who wrote poems, play, and novel about African American life.
Someone who left their home country to go to a different country
This law was outlawed the sale and manufacturing of alcohol